Chapter 29

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"Y/N! We're trending!" Louis ran into our room and jumped on the bed. I slowly opened my eyes and found his phone right in front of my face. Once I came to, I saw that our videos were on the internet and people were loving them.

"Oh dang."

"Yeah!! Look at these comments. 'Oh he is so in love with her.' 'They're so cute.' 'I want that puppy just so I can say that I touched the same puppy as Y/N.' 'So jealous of Louis right now. She's so hot.' They love you!!!"

I smiled and dug my head into the blanket. "Yeah they do."

"YOU SO DESERVE THIS!!!" He jumped up and down on the bed, making me giggle. 

"YEAH I DO!!!" I yelled back. Then sat up and 'jumped' up and down as much as I could while sitting.

"Dang. You're hot in the morning." He checked me out.

I hit his arm. "Shut up. What are we doing today?"

"No idea. Brian said that we should go out in public with Anna and Jackson just to get more publicity. So maybe we could go get ice cream and then go see a movie?"

"That sounds good. After I sleep for 3 more hours."

"Dude it's 7." He pointed to the clock.

"Yeah. I still need 3 hours after going to bed at 1 last night. Since someone wouldn't stop texting me about the comments." I glared at him.

He blushed and nodded. "Fine. But I'm sleeping next to you." He got under the covers and snuggled into me.

Now that's a perfect start to the morning. 

"Y/N!!" Anna yelled.

I guess I won't be getting anymore sleep this morning.

"What?" I groaned.

"There are fans all around the hotel! All holding signs with you and Louis' names on them! Also your Instagram has about 300,000 more followers. People are loving you and the show!!" She squealed and looked out the window.

I got out of bed to look with her. There really were hundreds of people all on the street and the parking lot.

"Dang. That's weird." I went back to bed.

"They love you, girl!"

"They probably like Louis. But who could blame them?" I gave him a quick kiss and snuggled into his chest.

"Stop lying to yourself, girl. They like you and you know it!" Anna threw a pillow at me. I threw it back and covered myself in the blanket.

My phone started ringing and Louis handed it to me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Y/N! How are you doing this morning?" Brian yelled.

"Good. Tired."

"I'm sure. Look, we've had so many people asking if you and Louis are dating, so we're going to put out a press release and social media announcement that you are. Do you have a picture you want to post?"

"I'm sure I do. Let me check and I'll send it to you in a minute."

"Sounds great. Thanks, Y/N! Oh and leave around 12:00 to go to ice cream and a movie or something. People can't get enough of you!"

"Got it. Bye, Brian!"

I hung up and started looking at my photos. There were so many, but I had to choose one that was appropriate and cute. After a few minutes, I found the perfect one. Then sent it to Brian. A few minutes later, he sent me a link to the post. 

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