Chapter 28

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As I stepped into the light, I heard cheers all around me. I put my hand in the crook of Louis' arm and walked forward. Luckily Brian knew I wouldn't wear heels and had brought some Converse for me. We walked to the front of the red carpet as a new poster was suddenly revealed.

 We walked to the front of the red carpet as a new poster was suddenly revealed

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I looked up at it and took it all in. My name was officially out there, and it was on a giant poster right in front of me. 

Brian came up to me and Louis to guide us to our spots.

"First you'll go separate, and then you'll join up once single pictures are taken. Then you'll do a few interviews. Sound good?"

"Sounds good." I nodded. Louis went first and there were flashes galore all around him. I don't know how he did it. Especially looking so good.

"You ready?" Anna came over and asked. 

I nodded. "Not really."

"You'll do great." She gave me a quick hug and then went back to Jackson. Since they were such a help to us, they also get to go on the red carpet later, much to my surprise.

"Okay, Y/N. Get on out there. People will be guiding you on where to stand, and remember the poses we've been practicing, okay?"


I walked onto the carpet and a lady lead me to an X on the ground. I stood on it and then started posing. First, I held my purse in front of me with both hands and then did a serious face. Then I smiled. I put my hand in my pocked and the other held my purse. I kept doing poses until Louis was invited back onto the carpet with me. 

"Hey, Y/N." He smiled at me.

"Hey Lou." 

He put his arm around me, like we were expected to do, as coworkers, and posed with me. We did serious poses, smiling ones, and a lot of laughing ones. He kept whispering in my ear and making me giggle. The crowd ate it up. I even heard some fans yelling 'ship' somewhere in the crowd. It made me feel less worried.

"Time for interviews!" Brian ushered us to a girl who was waiting.

"Louis! How are you?"

"I'm good, Emma!"

"Hello Y/N! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Emma Chamberlain."

She shook me hand and smiled.

"I'm a big fan, it's nice to meet you too."

"Well I'm now going to be a big fan of you! I can't wait to watch the first episode of your show!"

I blushed.

"So Louis, what was it like to work on a more modern piece, rather than a historical one?"

She asked him a few questions about acting and filming, and then got to me.

"Y/N, how did it feel when you first got the part?"

"It felt surreal. I got an email one morning, and I'm pretty sure I screamed. My dog started barking at me. Then I told my mom and we screamed some more. It was really exciting."

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