Chapter 5

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It was finally August 5. Moving day. Me and Anna loaded my car with some our stuff and set on the road! Our moms cried, but they'd be visiting us in less than 2 weeks, so they're just being a bit dramatic.

"What should we do when we first get there?" Anna asked.

"Unpack the necessities and then sleep." I said.

"Good plan. A nap is always a need." I turned on our favorite songs playlist and we jammed out. It was only about an hour drive to the airport, so we didn't have to drive for too long. We had a trucking company driving our stuff to L.A., so it should be there by tomorrow. We have our overnight things and don't need much else. While we were driving, I got a text from Louis. We'd been texting more often and getting to know each other. Luckily I've been keeping my cool, but man has it been hard.

When are you getting to L.A.?

We'll be there in a few hours:) wbu?

I got here yesterday!
Do you think we live close to each other?

IDK lol, Brian is kind of a meddler tbh

He really is tho
I hope that I can see you guys soon;)


Yeah, that'd be awesome!
Do you have anyone with you?
Or are you all alone?

I have my friend Jackson with me!
He's sort of my assistant?

Oh sick haha
Maybe we could set him and my
bestie up lol
I'm sure she'd love that

Dude can we please
That would be the funniest thing
He would hate me
Let's do it

I'm down
Start coming up with ideas

Writing them down now!! ;)

I'll be waiting
We just got to the airport
I'll text you later!!

See you soon!! <3

The hold this man has on my heart?? Very very strong. Once we got on the airplane, I passed out. Apparently being so excited was exhausting. It was only a few hour flight, so Anna watched a movie and I slept.

"Hey. Get up, you idiot." Anna punched my arm. I woke up suddenly and glared at her. "We're here, dude. Get up, there's a car waiting for us." I stretched and then got out of my seat. We grabbed our carry on bags and went outside. There was a driver waiting for a Miss. James. That's Anna's last name. They didn't want anyone knowing about me, so Anna is the celebrity right now.

"Wow, Anna. You're famous."

"I know." She flipped her hair and walked up to the driver. "I'm Anna James."

"Right this way, Miss. James." He said. He led us to a car and put our stuff in the trunk. We got in the back and started driving. As we looked out the windows, the city could be seen all around us. Tall buildings, people walking around the streets, and lots of cars honking.

"It's not as aesthetic as I thought it would be." Anna said.

"Agreed." We got to the apartment building and grabbed our suitcases. We were only on the 2nd floor, so we didn't have to go up too many stairs. We walked in and it was beautiful. To the left, there was a spacious kitchen equipped with everything we'd need. Looking forward, there was a cute living room with 3 couches, a flatscreen TV, a cute rug, and big open windows. On the right, there were 2 rooms attached with a jack and jill bathroom. Anna ran to the left bedroom and I went to the right.

"THIS IS SO CUTE WHAT??" She yelled. "I feel like we just landed in heaven?" I laughed.

"We definitely chose the right one, dude. It's so cute." We put our stuff in our rooms and explored the kitchen. We found the fridge and cupboards fully stocked, an insanely cool sink, and the best and most spacious freezer. We could fit 3 gallons of ice cream in there without having to stuff it. We will definitely be doing that ASAP.

"Are you still tired?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, I'm probably going to go take a nap." I yawned.

"Okay. Let's reconvene in 2 hours and then go shopping for things that we might need." I gave her a thumbs up and we went into our rooms. I threw my suitcase on the floor and jumped on the bed. Before I fell asleep, I sent Louis a quick text.

Just got to our apartment!
I'm gonna take a nap, but I'll text you later:)

I snuggled in my blankets and fell asleep within 5 minutes. So cozy.

2 hours later, I woke up. That nap was 2 hours too short. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Louis.

Sleep well!
When you wake up, let me know
We can see if there's time to meet up tonight!

Just woke up lol
I think me and Anna are gonna have a night in
But can we hang tomorrow??

Of course:)
Have a good night<3

THIS MAN!!!!! I got out of bed and slowly walked out of my room. I saw Anna sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Good morning sunshine! How was your sleep?"

"So good. My bed is insanely comfortable."

"Same. Ready to go shopping?"

"Yep!" We grabbed our purses, house keys, and left the house. We saw a small grocery store down the street so we went inside.

"Okay we need a freak ton of ice cream, chips, and snacks. Then we need to get matching water bottles, and pajamas. Ready?"

"Ready." I nodded. We split up. I got ice cream, chips, cheese sticks, and bread. Oh and 3 boxes of cookies. I met back up with Anna in the front of the store. She had cute matching water bottles and animal pajamas. Mine had cats and hers had dogs.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"I love it. You know me so well, fam."

"Yeah I do." She laughed. We paid for it and went back to the apartment. We took stuff inside but I accidentally dropped the bread at the front door. I held the door open with my foot and thankfully it didn't smash the bread. I went to pick it up and suddenly the door across the hall opened. There stood a very handsome man. His back was facing me so I couldn't quite see what his front looked like, but he had soft and fluffy looking brown hair, broad shoulders, and was pretty tall. Then he turned around.



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