Chapter 20

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I woke up with a mad headache, and my arm hurting. I groaned and turned over. I saw Louis smiling at me.

"Good morning, love. How are you feeling?"

"Like crap."

"Let's see if you have a fever." He put his hand on my forehead. "Yeah, you're pretty warm. I'll go grab you some medicine. Be right back." He got out of bed and went into the kitchen. Once he walked out of the room, Anna ran in and jumped on my bed. 

"Hiya, sunshine." She snuggled up to me.

"Hey, lover. What's up?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Meh. Louis said he thinks I have a fever."

"Let me feel your forehead." She put her hand on my forehead. "Yeah, you probably do. He went to grab you some medicine, right?"

"Yeah. I got very lucky in the boyfriend department."

"You got that right, sister." 

Louis walked back in and gasped. "Hey, stop stealing my girlfriend!"

"She's mine. Forever!" Anna grabbed me and laughed maniacally. 

I rolled my eyes. "I am my own person, thank you very much."

"Heck yeah, girl power!" Jackson yelled from the living room. 

"Anywho, I want to cuddle with my girl again, so I kindly ask you to move, Anna." Louis said.

"Fine. But only because you asked nicely." She patted my head and got out of the bed. "I'll be in the living room with Jackson if you need anything." I nodded. Louis sat on the bed and helped me sit up. Then he handed me some water and ibuprofen. 

"Thanks, hun."

"Of course, love." He took the cup from me and set it on my night stand. Then pulled me close and covered us in blankets. "Wanna watch High School Musical?"

"Uh, yes. You don't even have to ask, dude."

He laughed. "Okay, I'll get my iPad. One sec." He went back into the living room and came back with his backpack. Then set it down and got out what he needed. He came back under the covers and I snuggled into him. I heard the front door open, but I assumed it was just Jackson grabbing something from his apartment.

"Thanks for being here, Lou."

"I'm always there for you." He looked at me and smiled. Then I leaned up and gently kissed him. Two seconds later, my door swung open and someone gasped. I looked over to see my mother and Melinda at the door, their faces bright red.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!" My mom yelled.


"What are you doing kissing a boy in your bed? And a shirtless boy at that? Get out of her bed right now!" She pointed at him. I held him down.

"No Louis, stay here. Mom what are you doing here?"

"We came to check on our girls to see how you are doing, but clearly you need some adult supervision." She started pulling the blankets off of us.

"Mom! Calm down! This is my boyfriend, Louis."

"You have a boyfriend?? Why didn't I know about this??"

"Because I knew you'd act this way. Ever since Dylan did what he did, you have been so protective of me. I haven't been able to date, or even be alone with a boy. Stop freaking out. I'm an adult that can make adult decisions. And if I want to sleep in the same bed as my boyfriend, then I can. You have no authority here."

"I'm going into the living room. You, young man, have 2 minutes to get a shirt on and meet me there. And Y/N, you have 5 minutes to get presentable and come with me."

"MOM!" I yelled. Then I felt dizzy again and fell onto the bed.

"Y/N!" Louis yelled. He grabbed me and supported my head on his lap. "You're okay, just breathe. In and out, okay? ANNA GRAB ME A COLD WASHRAG!" He yelled. 

"On it!" 

"What's wrong? I thought she was fine?" My mom asked.

"She is fine, but she can't over do it or else her body will freak out, like it is now." 

Anna ran in with a cold washrag and Louis put it behind my neck. Then he laid my head on the pillow and put the blankets over me. "This should help." He whispered. I nodded and closed my eyes. Then I pulled him down and hugged his torso. I heard my mom gasp again.

"Preposterous." She said. Then walked out into the living room and shut the door. 

"It's okay, Y/N. Just breathe. I'm here. You can go back to sleep."

"Thank you, Lou. Thank you for being here."

"Of course. You're my girlfriend. I'm always going to be here." He kissed my forehead and I calmed down. Then fell into a deep and relaxing sleep.

--Louis POV--

Once Y/N fell asleep, I slowly replaced myself with a pillow. She adjusted herself, but didn't wake up. I quickly put a shirt on and went into the living room. I saw the 2 moms talking to Anna and Jackson.

"Is she okay?" Her mom asked.

I nodded, sitting down on the couch. "She's sleeping. She'll be fine, but no more stressing her out. Her body is weak as is already."

"I'm sorry for overreacting, she's right. Ever since Dylan cheated, I've been so worried that someone else is going to hurt my baby. I can't watch her go through that again."

"I totally understand. But Mrs. Y/L/N, I have no intention to leave Y/N. Seeing her in pain makes me hurt so much. It's the last thing I want. I promise."

"Okay. But no more sleeping in the same bed without a shirt. Got that?" She cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Got it." I smiled. We all talked for the next 30 or so minutes, until we heard my name come from Y/N's room. I got up and went inside. 

"Louis? Oh gosh, I thought you were dead when you wouldn't move. Then I realized you were actually a pillow." She giggled to herself.

I laughed. "Nope, I'm definitely alive. How are you feeling?" I sat on the bed.

"Better. Not as warm. I might feel like getting up and taking a little walk to the living room."

"Yeah? Okay, we can do that. Here, I'll help you." I got up to help her sit and stand up. She stood up and took a minute, but no dizziness came. "Progress!" We high fived. I held her hand while we walked to the living room.

"I'm awake!" She yelled, lifting her hands in triumph. Anna clapped.

"Yay! Welcome to the real world, hot stuff." She smiled at her. I laughed.

"Are you feeling okay, Y/N?" Her mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm better." She answered. 

"Come sit."

"Okay." I led her to the couch where her mom was and she sat down. Then her mom hugged her and they embraced for a couple of minutes.

"I'm sorry for overreacting, honey. I just want what's best for you. I now realize that Louis is the obvious choice."

"I'm glad you finally noticed. He's perfect for me." Then she whispered something in her moms ear.

They pulled away. "Really?" She gasped.

"Yep." Y/N smiled. She looked at me and smirked.

"I'm so happy for you. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, mom."

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