Chapter 25

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"EWWWW!!!" Anna screamed. I jumped and sat up quickly. She and Jackson were at the door staring at me and Louis. "GET OUT OF MY BED!!!"

I rolled my eyes and laid back down. "Calm down. We're just using a different blanket."

"Why are you in my bed, anyway?"

"Holly is in mine and we didn't want to go back to the couches. So we came in here."

"Gross." She grumbled. "Well, get out."

I pulled the blanket off and found Louis still sleeping soundly. I lightly slapped his cheek and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up, sunshine." I smiled. Then pulled the blanket off and ran out of the room. He ran behind me and caught me from behind. I giggled as he tickled me and then surrendered. Going into my room, I got ready for the day. Holly was already in the kitchen eat breakfast, so I had the room to myself.

Once I was done, I went out into the kitchen and found Holly humming while making eggs. "Morning, Y/N." She greeted.

"Morning, Holls. How are you feeling?"

"Much better. Your bed is very comfortable!"

"Isn't it?" Louis came over. I rolled my eyes.

"Weirdos. Anyway, we have to go to set today and film, but mom should be here soon. Ya'll are welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like. But don't leave until we get back. I want to say goodbye first!"

"Deal." She smiled at me. 

We got all of our stuff together and then went to the car waiting downstairs.

"Hey Brian?" 


"Can I drive?" I asked him.

"Sure." He smiled at me. I took the keys and got in the drivers seat. Wanting a little something to spice up the day, I went really fast on the highway and swerved through traffic.

"WOOOO!!" I yelled. 

Once we got to set, everyone was holding on for dear life.

"Y/N, why are you such a bad driver?"

"I'm not!" I defended.

"She actually isn't." Anna backed me up. "She just does this sometimes when she wants to have a little fun."

"That was fun?" Louis looked at me.

"So fun." I smiled. "Anyway, we're here!" I grabbed my bag and went over to set 3. I heard girls screaming over the fence and I looked over. There were probably 30 girls just screaming holding signs of Louis and posters of his face. I giggled and then walked back to the set.

"What are you giggling about?" He grabbed my hand.

"Your fans are still outside the fence. Seems like they won't be leaving anytime soon."

"Ugh. They're so frustrating. I wish they'd go away."

"They will once they realize how boring you are." He poked my side and I ran into the set.

A few hours later during our lunch break, my mom texted me.

Hey honey
I just got to your apartment
Me and Holly are going to hang here
Then we'll head home when you get back tonight

Sounds good!
Eat whatever you want

Thanks, sweetie <3

After we got done filming around 6:00, we got home and found Holly asleep on the couch and my mom rubbing her back. She stood up when we walked in. 

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