Chapter 14

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"Y/N, time to get up." Anna lightly shook me. I groaned and opened my eyes. We were in the car on the way to set, and I must've fallen asleep.

"Are we there?"

"Yeah. Megan said to meet her in the makeup trailer, so I'll walk you there."

"Sounds good." I got up and we walked to find Megan. We got to the trailer and went inside. I sat in my chair and waited for the makeup artists to come in. The door opened and I saw Louis through the mirror.

"Morning, love. Sleep well?" He asked. He had to be at set early today, so we didn't get to drive together.

"Yes very well. You?"

"I dreamt of you, so yes. Fantastic sleep." He winked.

"Gross." I rolled my eyes. Our makeup artists walked in and he sat in his chair. Once we were all ready to film, we went to set 4, the park where Lily and Jack have their first kiss. We met the director and he told us what we would be filming.

"And, action!"

"Lily, can I tell you something?" Louis moves closer to me.

"Of course, J. You can tell me anything." I smile and grab his hands, scooting closer to him.

"This might be out of the blue, but I love being your friend. We've been so close for so long, and I've grown to care for you more than I ever could've imagined. That being said, I don't want to be just friends anymore. I really like you, Lily. Will you go out with me?" I smile and squeeze his hands.

"Yes!! I've been waiting for you to ask, idiot." I pull him into a hug. We hug for about 15 seconds before Louis pulls away.

"Can I kiss you?" I freeze and swallow loudly. I slowly nod. Louis looks at my lips and starts to lean in. I swallow and stare at him. Then I pull away.

"Ugh, I'm sorry guys. Can we take 15?" I ask.

"Yes, but be back soon and don't get lost." Brian says to me. I grab Louis' hands and walk to my trailer.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He asks me as we sit on my couch.

"I think so? I've just been thinking."

"About what, love?" He cups my cheek.

"I don't want our first kiss to be on camera. And I don't want it to be fake." I say looking down. He brings my chin up to look at him in the eyes.

"I totally agree. So Y/N. Can I kiss you in the next 10 minutes?" I nod. "Great. Come with me." He pulls me from the couch and outside of the trailer. We steal a golf cart and go to our building in the corner of the lot. We run in laughing and sit on the couch.

"I love this place. It's so cute."

"You're so cute."

"Shut up, Louis. You're too cheesy."

"Only for you." He winks at me. I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him. He laughs and we have a pillow fight. We run around the building hitting each other, and eventually I fall down and he laughs at me.

"Need help?"

"Only if you're offering." I put my hand out. He reaches for it and I pull him down with me. Then he's on top of me. "So this is what you were planning the whole time. Very smooth, Y/N. Very smooth."

"Obviously." And with that his lips are on mine. It's soft and gentle, but weird. Who knew the feeling of someone else's lips on yours could feel so weird? He moved them ever so slightly and butterflies erupted in my stomach. He stopped kissing me and looked at me.

"Was that okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little weird."

"Wanna try again?" I nodded. "Just try to relax. And when you're more comfortable, try moving your lips against mine." I nodded again. He kissed me again lightly, and I tried to relax under his touch. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. I tried to kiss him back and it felt even weirder. But he didn't back away, he kissed me slightly harder. I moved my mouth and he moved his. It still felt odd and unfamiliar, but kind of nice. Before I knew it, my phone buzzed and Anna texted me that we were needed back at set. We pulled away and blushed.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I shyly asked.

He smiled at me. "Yes!!!!" We stood up and he gave me one last kiss with a long hug. Then we got back on the golf cart and went to set. We pulled up and saw Anna and Jackson walking hand in hand to talk to Brian.

"Hey lover people. How was it?" Anna asked me. I gave her a thumbs up and we went into set. We got in our places.

"And action!"

"Lily, can I tell you something?" Louis moves closer to me.

"Of course, J. You can tell me anything." I smile and grab his hands, scooting closer to him.

"This might be out of the blue, but I love being your friend. We've been so close for so long, and I've grown to care for you more than I ever could've imagined. That being said, I don't want to be just friends anymore. I really like you, Lily. Will you go out with me?" I smile and squeeze his hands.

"Yes!! I've been waiting for you to ask, idiot." I pull him into a hug. We hug for about 15 seconds before Louis pulls away.

"Can I kiss you?" I lightly smile and swallow. I nod. Louis looks at my lips and starts to lean in. He puts a hand on my cheek and I put my hand over it. Our lips connect and I was in heaven, once again. It didn't feel as unfamiliar, it just felt like how you would imagine kissing to be. Plus we just made out for 10 minutes, so that helped. We kissed for about 3 seconds until Louis pulled away. He put his forehead on mine.

"I got this for you." He hands me a red box made of velvet. I looked at him and smiled. I opened it and found a necklace inside. It had a J on it.

"I love it Jack! Thank you so much."

"Thank you, Lily." I looked at him.

"For what?"

"For being you."

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