Chapter 11

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"Y/N! Stop running so fast!" I heard Anna yell behind me as I ran to my trailer. Tears were falling down my face and I was hyperventilating. I ran into the trailer and locked myself in the bathroom. Anna knocked on the door.

"Go away." I mumbled.

"What happened? You were doing so good."

"He moved forward to kiss me, and I freaked out. I couldn't see anything, couldn't breathe, it was like my body stopped functioning."

"Oh. You had a panic attack." I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "It's been a while since you've gotten one of those."

"Yeah and I hate getting them. I feel helpless when I do."

"I'm gonna go get Brian." She said. Once I heard her leave, I walked out of the bathroom and laid in my bed, snuggled under the covers. The door opened and Brian and Anna walked in.

"Y/N? Sweetie? Can you tell me what happened?" Brian asked. He sat on the bed next to me and uncovered my face.

"I had a panic attack when I almost kissed Louis."

"Ahh. I understand. Well don't worry, we won't practice or film those scenes anymore unless we need to, okay?"

"Thanks, bestie b. Can I call you that?" He laughed but nodded.

"I like it. Now I think there's someone else who wants to talk to you. Can he come in?"

"I guess." I went back under the covers. They left and I heard footsteps walk towards the bed.

"Hey, Y/N. I'm sorry if that freaked you out, as well as this morning when I cuddled with you. I'm just very comfortable with you and didn't realize you'd be that uncomfortable with it. Can you forgive me?" I popped my head out of the blankets again. He ran his thumbs under my eyes and wiped away my tears.

"I'm not mad at you, Louis. I'm mad at me. Mad at how I feel when I'm with you, and how I chicken out when all I wanna do is kiss you." I blushed and looked away.

"I feel that way when I'm with you, too." He said, grabbing my hand. "I don't want to do anything you don't want to do, okay? I want us to get more comfortable with each other and go slowly. Slow is good." I looked at him and smiled.

"I like slow."

"And I like you." He said. My eyes widened and I gasped.


"Yes, you. You beautiful human." He grabbed my face and squished my cheeks.

"I like you too. You way-too-handsome-for-your-own-good man." I grabbed his hands off of my face and kissed his palm.

"Slow is good. All I want is to be with you. And when you're ready for the next step, I'm ready for the next step." I nodded.

"Thanks, Lou. You always know how to make me feel better." I smiled.

"Good. Now I think they want us back on set to practice more scenes, but with no kissing."

"Okay, let's go." I got up and we went back to set, hand in hand. We let go just before we got into the main building though, because we're taking it slow.

"Finally! It's time for Lily and Jack to play 'Just Dance' together!" The director yelled.


Later that evening, I was in my trailer practicing lines with Anna when a knock sounded on our door. She went over and answered it. Louis and Jackson walked in. Jackson went over to the couch and cuddled with Anna. She didn't reciprocate, but she didn't slap him, so that's progress.

"Y/N, I'm taking you on a date. Our first official date, how exciting!" I laughed and stood up. I put my shoes on and we went outside.

"What are we doing?"

"Well since we can't really be seen together just yet, I've found a cute place on set for us to look at the stars." He grabbed my hand and we walked to a golf cart. He held his hand out for me and I got into it. He started driving and we drove to a small corner in the lot that I hadn't noticed before. It was a small building, but big enough to walk in.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"You'll see." He smirked at me and stopped the golf cart. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the building. There were lights around the room, couches against the walls, rugs on the floor, and a fridge stocked with snacks in the corner. There was also a little bed in the middle of the room, the perfect size for star gazing. We laid on it and looked up at the ceiling. He turned the lights off and we could see the stars. Well "stars," I guess. You know those glow in the dark stars you can put on your ceiling that glow? Those were all over the ceiling. Precious.

"This is adorable. I love it." I kissed his hand and looked back at the ceiling.

"Anything for you, love." He kissed my cheek and we looked back at the stars. Eventually, we sat on the couch and watched an episode of SpongeBob. Then we drove back to our trailers. When we walked into mine, I screamed bloody murder. On the couch was Anna and Jackson, MAKING OUT.

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