Chapter 17

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After she had texted JJ to ask where they went, Ava grabbed her bike and drove off. Biking along the beach, Ava suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out with one hand, she read the short notification on her display, saying that JJ was at Sarah's house. Without reading the full text, Ava stuffed her phone back into the back pocket of her shorts and started to trample faster. After biking to the northside for about twenty minutes, Ava reached her destination. Getting off her bike, she leant it against the big wall, before she walked up the gateway to Sarah's house. Ava had expected JJ or Sarah to wait for her at the front door, just like they had done earlier, but her friends were nowhere to be seen. Deciding to ring the bell, Ava patiently waited for someone to open the door. Once the door opened, Ava tilted her head with a confused expression.

"Hi, can I help you?", a young girl with glasses and dark, braided hair greeted her.

"Uhm... I'm looking for Sarah. My friends told me to meet them here.", Ava answered and tried to look past the young girl to see if her friends where inside.

"I haven't seen her since this morning. Maybe you're just early? You can come inside and wait for her, if you want. I'm Wheezie, by the way.", the girl brabbled and Ava just nodded her head. Following the girl inside, Ava suddenly felt her phone vibrate again. Pulling it out, she unlocked it and finally opened the chat with JJ.

"Didn't you read my text?? Get out of that house, right now!", As her heartbeat increased, Ava looked at the text he had sent her earlier. After he had told her, that he and John B were at Sarah's house, he had sent her a whole paragraph about how Pope nearly died, Kiara was supposed to bring back the truck of Ava's dad and how Rafe stole the cross and that Ava should meet him and John B at the back of the Cameron's garden. Gulping, Ava felt the colour vanish from her face, as she slowly put her phone back into her pocket.

"Thanks for letting me wait, Wheezie, but I messed up the time. I'm coming back la...", Ava started, when suddenly, someone entered the room.

"What is she doing here?" Wheezie turned around to look at her brother in confusion, while Ava started to back away.

"She wanted to see Sarah, why? What's going on?", Wheezie asked and turned back around to face Ava. Ava decided to react fast instead of explaining, that her brother tried to kill her not even 24 hours ago. Reaching for the doorknob, Rafe walked up to the door and blocked Ava's way.

"I'll gladly bring her to Sarah.", Rafe said and forcefully grabbed Ava's arm. Pulling her closer to him, Rafe took Ava's phone and let it drop to the floor. Ava's eyes filled with fear, as she stared up at him. While Wheezie picked up the phone and shouted at her brother to stop, Rafe pushed Ava through the big hallway. With Wheezie screaming behind them and Ava trying to break away from him, Rafe opened a door and pushed Ava inside. Stumbling inside, Ava suddenly heard another voice shouting.

"Wheezie! Wheezie, get Rose, please!"

"Sarah?!", Ava asked shocked and looked up the blonde girl, that started to hit her hands against the door, once Rafe had closed it again.

"How the hell did you get here? I thought you were at home with your dad!", Sarah shouted and turned around to face Ava, who still sat on the floor.

"I- I kind of messed up and I think if your brother won't kill me, then JJ will. Why the fuck did he lock you in here? I thought you're with JJ and John B."

"I was. Rafe stole the cross and I said I would get the keys of his truck. He caught me though. I have no idea where John B and JJ are. Or Pope and Kiara.", Sarah explained and hit her fists against the door again, as she called for her sister. A few minutes later, the two girls heard voices from outside the door.

"Sarah? I'll get you out now, but you need to calm down, alright?", a voice said and Sarah leant her head against the door. Ava stood up from the floor and hid behind Sarah, who took deep breaths.

"Rose, please open that door.", Sarah pleaded and backed away, when the sound of a key turning filled the room. Once the door opened, Sarah stumbled outside and started to ramble about Rafe, the cross, a dead body in the truck and how Rafe locked them in there. While Sarah kept talking, Ava looked at the blonde woman that seemed to carefully listen to Sarah as she carefully held Sarah's arms. Once Ava pushed her thoughts about Rafe and her friends aside, she suddenly recognized the woman. The bright blonde hair, the perfect make up, the expensive outfit. It was the same woman, that had stood in Ava's living room this morning.

"No, no, no.", Ava mumbled and stepped backwards. Her lungs suddenly seemed to not work anymore and Ava held her hands to her chest, as she felt like she was choking. Sarah and the woman turned around to her and the woman instantly let go off Sarah. Ava shut her eyes close and felt how her chest tightened. She wanted to run away, to flee, but her body felt, like it was dying.

"It's ok, darling. Just calm down, don't worry.", the woman spoke and walked up to Ava. Ava stepped back and shook her head aggressively, making the dizzy feeling in her head even worse.

"What's going on?", Sarah asked with panic in her voice and walked back into the room.

"She's having a panic attack. Take her to the living room and sit her down, I'll get something to calm her down.", Rose said and Sarah nodded. When Rose left the room, Sarah and Wheezie carefully took Ava by her arms and made her walk over to the living room, where they slowly sat her down on the big couch. Sarah knelt down in front of her and tried to calm her down, but Ava couldn't take in any of her words. Wheezie left, when she was called by Rose and Sarah saw how Ava's eyes followed the young girl.

"Ava, look at me! What's going on?! You're scaring me!", Sarah shouted and started to get worried, when Ava still tried to catch her breath. Wheezie came back a moment later and handed Sarah a cup of tea. Sarah took Ava's hand and made her hold the cup.

"Here, drink something.", Sarah said and helped Ava to bring up the cup to her mouth. Sarah tilted the cup a little, so Ava could sip on the tea. Ava gulped and her body suddenly remembered to breathe again. With every little sip, her breathing got steadier again, until Sarah took the cup and placed it on the table next to her.

"Ava? You good, what happened?", Sarah asked, once Ava seemed to breathe normal again.

"Rose... I was adopted. I think Rose is my biological mother. I need to go, Sarah.", Ava explained quietly, as she looked to the ground, her head still feeling dizzy. Sarah's eyes grew big, before she turned her head to look for Rose.

"Alright, let's get out of here.", Sarah whispered and took Ava's hand to pull her up. As Ava tried to stand up, her legs gave in and Sarah had to catch her.

"I don't feel so good.", Ava mumbled and Sarah noticed how she sleepily blinked. Knowing her family and knowing Rose, Sarah looked at the cup of tea that was half empty. Right in that moment, Rose entered the living room.

"What did you give her?", Sarah asked and tried her best to hold Ava, who was about to pass out.

"Don't worry, Sarah, I would never hurt her. Or any of you. Just trust me, alright? We'll all be fine. I just want the best for all of us."

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