Chapter 2

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"'re saying that he might have gotten kidnapped? How's that possible. I know the Doctor. He can't get caught." Clara says. We were sitting around the conference table, myself still in my wedding dress...which was not that fancy actually. "Look. I know the Doctor. Maybe not as well as you say you know him. But I know, there are more powerful people out there and they are stronger than the Doctor." I say. She nods and then looks at Julian. "Well, one example would be when he got kidnapped by the black night of Camelot and almost beheaded." Julian says. "Oh and don't forget that time he went back to 1969, and got caught by one of the technicians because he was meddling with that Apollo rocket!" I say smiling and remembering how he had called to tell us he would be a few days late, to only get called back 5 minutes later to be told that he'd pick us up on time because the president busted him out. "Anyways...we can help as much as we can. But I have a ship to run, and the tensions with the Romulans and the Dorics right now don't help that much either." I state shifting my gaze to the window. "I understand. Can I stay here though to help?" Clara asks. "Yes, I'll have one of the ensigns show you to your quarters. I have a wedding to finish." I say. I let ensign Sing take Clara and then I grab Julian's hand and drag him back to the mess hall. "We never got our dance." I say. "Well, let's dance then. I think everyone's not going to let us leave again till we do." He says looking around the room, then grabbing me in the traditional ball room dance position. The music starts and we go waltzing back and fourth. "I'm impressed." I say looking up at him. "Why thank you Mrs. Bashir, I learned from Vic." He says bringing up his friend from the holosuite. "Speaking of Vic. I'm guessing you picked up his isoliniar rod the last time we visited DS9?" I say. "Of course. Wouldn't leave Vic in the hands of Qaurk." He says. The music stops and we end our dance with a final dip. "Come on, we have a honeymoon to celebrate." He says picking me up bridal style. "Not until we find the Doctor..." I say looking at him as we head out of the ball down to our quarters. We walk in to my sister sitting on the bed petting Porthos. "I see you two had a bit of fun." She says looking at me being carried. Julian puts me down and goes to get changed into his uniform, sadly he has to go work. "Just because Julian cured you, doesn't mean you have to show off by cooking us dinner." I say walking into the living area, to find a meal for two sitting on the table. My sister let Julian try a risky procedure on her, it worked, and now she's pretty much herself again. Able to walk well, even run like crazy. "Hey, I didn't really cook it. You have to give most of the credit to the replicator." She says. "So, want to stay for dinner? Julian has to work." I say. "Sorry, I have work too. Should get done around 0800. Love the night shift." She says smiling. She walks out and I'm left with two meals, and only one person. I eat mine and put the other on the replicator, then head off to bed. I wake to the sound of the TARDIS going off. "Well that isn't normal...." I mutter. Clara had put it in the cargo bay, which was right below my quarters. I get up and get dressed, then head down there. My sonic screwdriver which I kept in my drawer was going off as well, so I brought it along. When I open the TARDIS, the Doctor was in front of us. "I don't have much time. Please just listen. I have sent the following for you to help locate me, I've been captured by a race called the Romulans. In the case I do not call again in the next 24 hours, bury the TARDIS. I will not under any circumstances let it fall into the hands of these people. I have to go now. Goodbye Max. Clara." He says smiling slightly and then the call ends. "He didn't look to good." Clara says worried. "The Romulans like to torture there enemies. Manly those who are power hungry. But that still doesn't help us. He could be on a number of planets in multiple galaxies. They defiantly wouldn't just take him to the Romulan home world. "So how are we going to find him?" Clara asks. "I have a few ideas...." I say.

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