Chapter 21

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"Well you two are up early." Amsha says coming in. "We could say the same for you." I say. It was around 0530. "Oh I always get up around now. Do you want something to eat?" She asks. "Oh no. But thank you Mrs. Bashir." I say. She nods and walks off to go to the kitchen. We wait a few more hours till Julian's father gets up and then get breakfast. "Breakfast was delicious mom." Julian says. "Thank the replicator Jules." Amsha jokes. Julian roles his eyes and we go into the living room to open presents. I got a nice bracelet from Amsha and Richard, a new phaser and some new tools from Julian, and a few other things like new boots and a holoprogram. Julian got the new books he wanted, 3 holoprograms and a tennis racquet. The rest of the morning I talk to Julian and his parents and give Nog a call to see how the ship was. "We are still working on repairs Captain and should be right on time." Nog says. "Very good. How's the tension with the Doric?" I ask. "I haven't heard anything about them yet. They're a more peaceful race and only attack if we enter there territory, but that could change any minute." Nog says. I nod, "I'll be in touch with you one more time before I get back. And Nog, wish the crew a Merry Christmas." I say smiling. "Will do Captain." Nog says signing off.

The chat ends and I head downstairs to see how Amsha was doing with lunch and to see what Julian was up to. That's when I heard a loud knock on the door. Richard went to open the door when a Doric women in an armed forces suit pushed him against the wall. "Wha-" Richard says. "Where is the women named Max and the man named Julian?!" The lady orders. Richard glares at her and doesn't say a word. I run down to the basement and grab Julian who was messing around with the new racquet he got. "Don't have time to explain much but, Doric. Here. Want us." I say. "'d they...." He says as I drag him back upstairs. "Tell me where they are!" The Doric women orders again. This time pressing Richard into the wall harder. "Richard? Oh my gosh. What's going-" Amsha doesn't get to finish as the Doric women points her phaser at her and fires. I had been hiding behind the wall with Julian. I run out and push Amsha out of the way as Julian disarms the Doric women after throwing a right hook which connected to the women's jaw. Richard falls to the ground and Julian stuns the Doric women.

He calls for a security team to come to the house a second later. Then he turns around to see the scene in front of him. I had been shot in the chest and was lying on the floor next to Amsha who was frantic and unsure what to do. "Are you two alright?" He asks his parents quickly. He was already taking off his shirt and kneeling down next to me placing the shirt on my wound. "Get me a medkit." Julian states seriously to his mother. She nods and runs off as Richard gets up and kneels next to Julian. "I....I didn't know...." Richard starts to say. "I don't blame you." Julian states to Richard not looking away from me. "Your going to be alright." Julian says to me softly holding my hand. "I don't doubt that." I say jokingly. "Mom where is that medkit!" Julian demands. Amsha comes running in and hands it to Julian. "I misplaced it I thought." She says. She sees all the blood and holds back tears. Richard gets up and takes his wife into the other room while Julian stays with me. "Alright I'm going to give you something to relive the pain and then another to let you sleep while I fix your wound." Julian says still talking in a steady soft voice. Just as I went under I read his mind. He was scared, sad, worried, and most of all cursing himself about how I got hurt when it wasn't even his fault.

I wake up an hour later on the bed Julian and I were sleeping in last night. "Good afternoon." Julian says smiling and coming over to me from where he was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. "Ugh." I say laying there. I don't even try to fight getting up with Julian. "How do you feel?" He asks brushing the hair out of my eyes. "Like I got shot with a phaser on the 6th setting." I mumble. That makes Julian chuckle. "For once would you stop doing stupid things like taking a phaser for someone? Like I said a million times, you're not invincible anymore!" Julian says to me sighing. "Me? I did save your mothers life." I say smiling. "You're right you're right. Just. I worry alright." Julian says softly. "I know I can't regenerate. And I know you're right. I'll try to be more careful okay?" I say. Julian nods. There was a knock on the door. Amsha walked in with Richard. She smiles seeing me awake. "Thank you so much Max." She states coming over. Richard puts a hand on his sons shoulder and smiles. "There's a reason I married a doctor." I mutter smirking. That makes Julian laugh. Amsha and Richard stay in the room for a while and we all talk until Julian has them leave.

"You need to rest." He says to me. I frown. "I could sedate you." He argues. I give him a 'but I'm not tired' look and the best puppy dog eyes I could muster. To be honest I felt like heck but I tried to act like I wasn't in pain at all. "Tay. Get some rest." Julian says filling a hypospray with Deoxefrine which was a stronger type of pain killer. "I don't need that." I say fixing my position on the bed. He raises an eyebrow. "Alright alright. You got me." I mutter. He gives me the medicine in the hypospray and I find a comfy position on the bed just as my eyes start to feel heavy and I fall asleep. That jerk hadn't just given me pain killer. He'd also given me a sedative.

The rest of the trip I manly was forced to stay in bed but Julian did take me to a few museums and I had a lot of fun. The point is, don't get shot. It hurts like crazy and it takes ages to get blood out of a carpet.

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