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As the year came to an end, Gwen found herself thoroughly checking her belongings for anything amiss

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As the year came to an end, Gwen found herself thoroughly checking her belongings for anything amiss. She knew she was being paranoid, and the girls in her dorm kindly reminded her that everything was alright now, but she couldn't get the anxiety from her mind. She was excited to be going home.

Soon enough, their trunks were packed, beds stripped and their things ready to be placed on the train.

On the last day, there was a huge feast in the Great Hall, one in which everyone was in high spirits, so much so that Gwen herself felt perfectly happy among them.

The feast was wonderful, Gwen and her friends helped themselves to several helpings of roast dinner, chatting about nothing and everything. Across the hall, Felix was in deep conversation with Ciara Murphy, the redheaded girl that was often by his side. Gwen wondered if she'd be seeing her around this summer.

Soon enough, she was headed down to Hogsmeade station with the crowd of students, talking to the twins.

'So will you be coming to ours at all this summer?' George asked. Gwen remembered when she'd snuck out of the house almost a year prior, and realised she'd probably have to do the same again if she wanted to go to the Burrow. Her parents hadn't said anything, but given the circumstances they'd last seen her in, that was unsurprising.

'Of course,' she said as they waited in the queue to get onto the platform. 'That's if your parents don't mind. After, you know, the car.'

Fred and George laughed.

'They won't mind,' Fred said.

Gwen smiled. 'That's good. It won't matter anyway, hopefully. I'm going to pay them for it.'

The twins shared a surprised look. George opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Harry, Ron and Hermione, calling the three of them over.

They managed to get a carriage on the train all to themselves, joined later by Ginny, and the seven of them played Exploding Snap and set off the last of Fred and George's fireworks. As the hills rolled by and the sun began to set, the conversation settled on more mundane things, until Fred brought up Percy and Ginny started giggling.

'What is it?' Ron said.

'Oh,' she said. 'I just found out something about Percy.'

The others stared at her, eagerly waiting for her to go on.

Clearing her throat, Ginny said, 'So you know Percy keeps disappearing, and last summer he spent the whole time in his bedroom? Well, I walked in on him in an empty classroom with Penelope Clearwater.' The carriage was silent in anticipation as she continued. 'He's got a girlfriend.'

Fred dropped a stack of books on George's feet.


Ginny nodded, grinning. 'Yeah, he's been meeting up with her in secret all over the castle. I walked in on the kissing, and he was so upset when she was, you know, attacked.' She glanced at Gwen, who sent her a sheepish look. 'You won't tease him, will you?'

Fred and George looked as though their birthdays had come early.

'Absolutely not,' said George.

'Wouldn't dream of it,' said Fred.

Eventually, the Hogwarts Express reached London, and, as Fred, George and Ginny began to disembark the train, Harry turned to the other three. He was holding out a piece of parchment for each of them.

'This is a telephone number,' he told Gwen and Ron. Sure enough, there was a long string of numbers scribbled down. 'I told your dad how to use one last summer, Ron, so he'll know. Call me at the Dursleys', OK? I can't stand another summer of just Dudley to talk to.'

Hermione nodded knowingly, well versed in Muggle devices, while Gwen and Ron shared a look, completely clueless as to how a long number could put them into contact with Harry.

'I'll teach you,' Hermione said helpfully to Gwen, who could only think how dismayed her parents would be at the idea of her going to a Muggle house.

They were waiting their turn to run through the barrier, when Gwen thought of something. 'Your aunt and uncle will be proud of you, right?' she asked Harry. 'After everything you did this year.'

Harry laughed. 'Proud? Are you crazy? All those times I could've died and I didn't do it? They'll be furious.'

Without another word, he ran through the barrier with Ron. Gwen and Hermione were next, and together, they burst out into Kings Cross, straight into Muggle London.

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