The Pig Faced Woman

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March 13th, Chase was within his room with Donnie at the moment. All the streets and buildings affected by the railgun were now completely fixed.

This was the third time Donnie has now been over, and yet Jarek still didn't trust him much.

"Close your eyes real quick." Chase told him.

"Alright then." Donnie replied, smiling as he closed them. Chase made sure he wouldn't be looking, putting a hand over them which caused a slight giggle to erupt from Donnie.

Chase would then open up a drawer, pulling out a lavender seashell necklace with a black pentagram on it.

"And... Open them." He said before uncovering Donnie's eyes.

Donnie's eyes lit up at the sight of the necklace. He immediately gasped, holding his hands out. Chase dropped the necklace into the palms of his boyfriend's hands.

"Oh my Gawd... It's beautiful!" Donnie squealed.

"Put it on real quick, I wanna see how cute you look with it." Chase said with a smirk.

Donnie slowly put it on, adjusting it and looking down with a smile.

"Daw..." Chase chuckled, he then kissed Donnie on the cheek.

Jarek watched from the door, undetected as he had a sour look on his face.

Outside of a bar in Bascowly, Sebastian was by himself.

Suddenly, a man came outside, he wore a pastel green shirt with a shamrock made out of skulls on the center, he also had black pants with sigils of Lucifer on them that were pastel green.

Sebastian's eyes widened a little, he asked, "Is your name Patrick by any chance?"

The man in green and black turned around with a grin on his face as he nodded his head slowly.

"Yep, that's me, Patrick..." He was about to finish his sentence, he hiccuped before finishing it with a, "Beers..."

"You're the guy that uh... Killed that big snake, right?" Sebastian asked.

"Sort of..." Patrick answered, his face was a little red as he had a big smile on his face. "I gotta go..." He giggled before stumbling away.

Sebastian got out his phone and took a picture immediately, chuckling.

A woman watched the man, there weren't many other people around. Her face resembled a pig's through surgery, she even had a real snout attached.

The woman's name was Lexi Pellicona. Pellicona was a Lux original last name. She wore a black and pastel red shirt with a lavender apron on, black pants, and pastel red shoes. Her hair was shoulder length and black.

The woman then started to approach Sebastian, pulling out a black and pastel red cleaver before suddenly charging towards the man.

"What the!" Sebastian shrieked, pulling out his pistol. The woman immediately slapped it out of his robotic hand before trying to slit his throat. He ducked just in time before uppercutting the woman with the metal hand, he then hit her with the elbow right in the snout, causing it to bleed heavily and become somewhat broken.

The woman didn't seem to be able to feel pain at all, she dodged another attack from Sebastian, stepping back a little before attempting to stab into the man's head.

Luckily, Sebastian grabbed Lexi's arm and broke it with a twist before picking up his gun and shooting her right between the eyes.

Lexi was squealing just like a pig, soon dying after giving a few twitches.

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