Chapter 1

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Hi to the people that are reading this!!! This is my first fan fiction and I'm really excited!

I'm open for constructive criticism just pls no name calling and bullying!

peace out from Percyjacksonobsesed with one S!!!!

A/N number 2: Dec 6 2023: Hi Ya'll! This is kind of a warning I guess...  I wrote this first chapter over a year ago and it's... Let's just say it's not great... lol!
I promise that it does get much better!! After about the first 5 chapters!!
I will be slowly editing the chapters! When I have finished editing this one, I will post it and write yet another Authors note!!

Have a great day!!
From Percyjacksonobsesed with one S!!!

Hi, my name is Estelle Blofis and I am 11 years old. I have brown hair that fades to blonde at the tips. My mom's name is Sally Jackson. She has brown hair and green eyes like mine and an aura that always makes you feel at home. She is a famous writer, and she writes about greek mythology. My dad's name is Paul Blofis, he has salt and pepper hair with blue eyes. He is an English teacher at Goode high school and loves teaching kids.

I have one sibling named Percy Jackson. He has windswept raven black hair, a deep tan, sea green eyes that seem to glow and a mischievous grin that always gets him in trouble. He's my half brother and we're exact opposites. I have green eyes, like my brothers' but more faded. I love the colour blue just like him, but that's where the similarities end. I love reading, school and I want to be a scientist. He's more... adventurous and has a knack for getting in trouble. He has ADHD and dyslexia, so he gets restless fast and doesn't like reading and sitting at a desk all day. He has been married to his wife Annabeth for about two years now and they have known each other since sixth grade.

They met at some camp, I don't know what it's called but he still goes there a lot. I've always wondered why I haven't gone; he seems to love it so much and whenever I try to bring it up my mom and dad always try to change the subject.

Percy is going to come stay with us this weekend which is a rare occurrence. Every time I ask why he doesn't visit; my parents try to give me a lame excuse about him being busy. It angers me that he doesn't come more often, and my parents don't seem to think it's that weird, but I don't buy it, sometimes I walk in the room and they're speaking in hushed tones and every once in a while, I catch something like Percy.... Chiron.... camp and when I walk in, they abruptly stop talking and mask their worry with a fake smile. One time I asked who's Chiron? What camp? The camp Percy still goes to even though he isn't even a camp councillor? and they said "nothing" and asked how my day was. I was also angry because he was my big brother, wasn't he supposed to visit his little sister? But nooo he never comes and when he does, he only stays for a day or two and when you ask him a question, he doesn't give you a straight answer and what he does give you makes no sense. So, when my mom walked into my room yesterday and told me Percy was going to stay with us for the whole long weekend I was surprised. I was even more surprised when she said that Annabeth was coming to. I have only met Annabeth about five times that I can remember but my mom says that they used to visit a lot when I was a baby. She seems nice and she definitely makes Percy happy. When she does visit, her and Percy seemed joined at the hip and have so many inside jokes that it's impossible to understand what they're saying. She makes him happy though, that's clear. My mom treats Annabeth like a daughter which I guess is normal because Percy and Annabeth have known each other since they were twelve, but... there has always seemed to be more with that relationship.

I might be angry at Percy, but I'm excited to see him. "Ms. Blofis?" my teacher asked knocking me out of my daydream (which I rarely do at school I might add). "Yes."  "Did you hear my question?" she said. "No, could you repeat it for me." the rest of the class sniggered. The teacher ignored it. She pursed her lips and said, "fine but only this once, hopefully next time you will be listening." "Yes Ms. Gullryer." I said, my face turning red. "what did Rhea get Kronos to eat instead of his son Zeus." We were doing a mythology week in history, and it was easy for me because my mom, dad and brother would always tell me about it; probably because mom was writing about it. "A boulder, Ms. Gullryer." "correct" she said looking impressed but almost immediately covered it with her normal stone-faced expression.

After class was over, I had math then art and then it was lunch. I was always sort of a loner. The other kids made fun of me and called me the teacher's pet or nerd. I had one friend her name was Clarisse Rodriguez. She was fierce and she acted like my bodyguard even though she was only nine. She was away in San Francisco for two weeks, something about her legacy. I didn't really get it, but she seemed exited. I wished she would come back soon because it had been a week since she left, and I was getting lonely.

The rest of the day was a blur. Something exploded in science class, so we got a free period. I was disappointed because science was my favourite subject. That wasn't most kids' reaction. I went to the library for my free period and as usual it was empty except for the librarian. I felt bad for her because she had to stay there all day with no visitors, but she didn't seem to mind. "Hi Estelle," she said unenthusiastically without looking up from her book. "Hi Mrs. Hannagan" I said while walking toward the science section.

After the library I had Spanish, Music, and English. When school was over, I was practically buzzing with excitement. I was going to see my brother! Most people wouldn't be excited, because this was a daily occurrence, but not for me. I hadn't seen Percy in seven months! When we got home, I felt like I was going to burst. Maybe I shouldn't have been this exited, but I hadn't had a friend for a week. (My parents didn't count). It had been an hour since I got home (it felt like a lot longer) when I finally heard knocking on the door. I jumped out of my chair and ran to the door. I swung it open, and I was about to give him a hug when I noticed his eyes that were normally bright and happy were red and puffy like he had been crying. His hair was plastered to the side of his face like he had bed head, and his shoulders were slumped. I stopped in my tracks and asked, "what's wrong."

He gave me a sad look and said, "I'll tell you in a moment. First, where is mom and Pau- Percy!" dad cut him off and said, "I thought that was you!" he stopped just as he gave him a closer look. The smile wiped off his face. "what's wrong" he said picking up the nearest pointy thing he could find, a set of keys but he brandished them like a weapon. I didn't know what he was doing. Percy said "no Paul" with a slight smile. That's when I just noticed Annabeth wasn't with him. "Where's Annabeth?" the small smile vanished from his face and his eyes filled with tears. "Will you get mom for me Estelle?" I started to protest but he shot me a look. Percy could look scary when he wanted to. I went around the hall to get mom, but something stopped me. I stayed behind the wall and tried to listen to their conversation as much as I could, but it was muffled. "I already talked to Chiron" I heard Percy say. Chiron? There's that name again. I thought. "He doesn't know anything, but I had a dream about her being kidnapped." "Gods Percy, kidnapping?" Gods? What does that mean? I was trying to hear more but I heard my mom coming so I had to stop.

"Mom I was just coming to get you" I lied "why?" "Percy's here." "Percy's here?" she echoed her face lighting up. "Yeah but..." it was too late she was already in the living room. "Percy!" She exclaimed and gave him a big hug. When he didn't hug her back mom took a step back and tensed. "what's wrong and where's Annabeth." She said worried. "Estelle, Will you go get my bag from my car I forgot it" Percy lied "why do I have to get it" I complained. "Estelle" my mom warned "get your brothers bag" I desperately wanted to know what was going on, but the way my mom said it I knew there was no negotiating. "fine" I sighed. I walked out of the apartment and started going down the stairs then remembered that Percy hadn't given me his keys. I turned around about to go back to the apartment, when a strange man walked in front of me. He had dark skin and was bald. He was wearing shaded sunglasses like in spy movies, a black suit, and an earpiece. I turned back around to run down the stairs but there was another man with pale skin and jet-black hair wearing the identical outfit as the man behind me.

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