Chapter 12, and over 1000 reads!

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Hey everyone! 

This is a celebration! I've hit over 1000 reads! I never expected to get this many reads so fast! It makes me so happy that my story is being read. Thank you to all the people who have read this story so far. And all the people who have voted, commented, added this story to their reading list or followed me, I'm very thankful for your support! It's what keeps me motivated. I hope you will continue to vote and comment!

I hope all of you have a great week! 

Sincerely Percyjacksonobsesed with one S!

Estelle P.O.V. Continued from chapter 5

Annabeth moved with deadly speed and accuracy. She was a blur of destruction.

The first guard shot at her and then tried to jab her in the stomach. She deflected the bullet with what looked like a knife, but I wasn't entirely sure. Then, when he tried to jab her, she grabbed his arm and Judo flipped him over her shoulder.

The next guard attacked her from behind trying to take her by surprise. He almost made it, but not before I could warn her. "Annabeth, behind you!" She got the message and turned to slam his head with what now I could see was a butt of a sword. He fell, unconscious.

The next guard got in a lucky blow. She seemed faster than the others and instead of having a gun she had two daggers. She faked a jab to Annabeth's left, and then went for the right. Annabeth seemed to anticipate this but wasn't fast enough to stop her before she grazed her arm. Annabeth swept the woman's legs from under her, causing her to lose her balance and fall.

The rest of the fight went similarly. Annabeth, a blur of motion, continued disarming and knocking people out. Once she was done with the final guards, the fire in her eyes started to dim and she slumped over in exhaustion. I was staring at her in awe when something caught my eye. The redheaded lady that she fought earlier was inching closer to Annabeth. I opened my mouth to say something, but I was too late. The redhead pulled out a gun and shot Annabeth in the leg. I screamed in horror, but my voice faltered when I noticed there was no blood coming from Annabeth's leg. There wasn't even a wound.

Annabeth dropped to the ground unconscious. The redhead was about to shoot me too when Fury signaled for her to hold her fire. "Now will you tell me about Perseus Jackson?" Fury demanded. I sighed in defeat, knowing that if I didn't, I would get knocked out again. Annabeth gave off an aura of confidence that helped me stay strong, but with her unconscious, I knew I didn't stand a chance.

I was taken to a cold metal room with a singular table and two metal chairs. There was a giant mirror built into one of the walls, and I was guessing it was one of those things in TV shows that allows you to watch an interrogation without the suspect knowing. What was it called again? A one-way-mirror? Anyway, the redhead lady and director Fury walked in behind me and casually locked the door. Director Fury waved his hand at the metal table, gesturing me to sit down. I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"So we're going to set you up on a lie detecto-." "What did you do with Annabeth!" I asked harshly, interrupting him. He ignored my question and flipped through a file he was holding. "Put your hand right here." He said calmly, pointing to a slightly shinier area on the table. I was reluctant to put my hand there, but the redhead tapped the gun in her holster, incentivising me. I reluctantly moved. Immediately a metal handcuff shot out of the table latching my hand to the shiny area. "What the hell!?!" I yelled, trying to free my arm. "This is just a precaution." Fury said, keeping his voice level. "I'm eleven! What do you think I'm going to do!" He ignored me again and said "First question.

"The redhead took over "What is your name." I was confused, didn't they already know my name? "Estelle Blofis." The redhead looked down at something. I realized it was a lie detector device. Something clicked in my head, the first one is the baseline question. The question they knew was the truth so they could find my normal heart rate. Well, I wasn't going to let that happen.

I tried to raise my heart rate by thinking about terrible things. Annabeth laying on the floor of a cell, starving. Percy frantically searching for us, breaking down. My mom crying into dad's shoulder.

I had tears in my eyes, but I blinked them back, trying to see the device. I couldn't see it, but the look on the redhead's face told me that something was out of the ordinary. Yes! I thought, now they won't be able to know if I'm lying or not!

"Okay, first question." The redhead said, "Have you ever seen or heard Percy do anything out of the ordinary?" I thought back to all those times I would hear mom and dad talking about him in hushed tones. Or how Percy would barely ever come to visit us. I gulped "No." She glanced at the monitor and looked back at me. "Have you ever seen or heard Annabeth do anything suspicious? I really didn't know Annabeth that much, so I didn't have to lie. "No" I repeated, she glanced back at the device.

She asked me a few more questions about Percy and Annabeth and then said "Well that's all the information we need, I will alert the guards to come and take you back to your cell. "Wait." I said, "Can I at least talk to Annabeth to see if she's okay?" The redhead glanced at Fury, they seemed to have a silent conversation, after what felt like forever she finally said, "No talking but you can go check on her." I knew that was the best I was going to get so I nodded in agreement.

A random guard opened the door to Annabeth's cell, and she looked up at us from her position on the floor and glared at the guard. Wow, I thought, I'm glad that glare isn't directed at me. The door shut behind me as I walked in. "No talking." The guard said gruffly. I sat down on the floor next to Annabeth, scanning her for any wounds. I thought she would have a few bruises, but she looked fine.

She looked at the guard and snapped her fingers, "Estelle sat down beside me and didn't say a word, neither did I." I was sure the guard would knock her out and take me out of the cell, but instead, his eyes glazed over, and he nodded, as if he was in a daze. "What the he-." "We don't have too much time." Annabeth interrupted urgently, "I don't know how long I can keep the Mist up." "What's the Mist!" I asked incredulously, she ignored my question and instead said, "Tell me what you know." "About what!" "About Percy!" "Well..." I said tentatively, scared to tell the crazy idea that had been formulating in my mind. "I think Percy might be... I don't know, different?" She nodded, signaling me to go on. "Not like ADHD and dyslexia different, but maybe not human?" I was expecting Annabeth to laugh and tell me I was ridiculous, but instead she just stared at me seriously, which scared me a whole lot more. "Mom would always tell me about Greek mythology and how important it was." I said gaining confidence. "And her books were about a boy who had ADHD and Dyslexia, like Percy. I always thought she wrote it to make Percy feel better, but now, I'm not so sure." I was on a roll now, gaining more and more confidence. "Also I heard mom mention Chiron once, which I think is a Centaur from Greek mythology. And then today you mentioned Thor, as if you personally knew him. I-I think you're also like Percy. What I don't know, is what exactly that is. I took a deep breath and glanced at Annabeth hoping she would laugh at me, or tell me what an idiotic idea it was, but instead she glanced nervously at the guard, looking if he was still in a trance.

"Listen." She whispered, leaning in just in case anybody was listening in. "You can't tell anyone what you know. If you do, you won't just put Percy and I in danger, the balance of the whole world could go off track. I stared at her in horror in shock, knowing that I was part of something way over my head, and the thought terrified me.

At that moment things went wrong, terribly wrong.

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