Chapter 26 (I meet the most annoying man on earth)

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Hey everyone!

I haven't posted in like a month... wow.

I'm sorry about that! Thanks for sticking with me though!

This chapter is the longest chapter I've ever written. Over 2600 words... *applauds myself* This  hopefully will make up for updating slower than a turtle!

Bye! From Percyjacksonobsesed with one S!

We need to escape

That was the first thought that came to my mind when I woke up.

I had spent the whole night tossing and turning after my conversation with Estelle. What she has said about Fury... I shuddered.

But there was something else that bothered me. She had said that director Fury seemed different... ridged, angled. Almost as if he wasn't in control, or held at gunpoint... I had an idea in the back of my mind... one that scared me out of my wits, a theory that I wouldn't fully confront until I was absolutely sure. My mind kept flashing back to Luke... Nope. I was not going to make parallels, not yet.

I needed to see Percy. Everything was clearer when he was around. My mind had been scattered ever since I had been taken. With him not being around, my brain seemed to be working at half of its normal speed (Which was still faster than the average person).

Without him asking the obvious, dumb questions, I couldn't seem to figure out the complex questions. It was as if my brain had adjusted over the years to compliment Percy's. Two halves of one whole.

There was still a missing piece of this puzzle. What was S.H.I.E.L.D's motive for capturing me and Estelle? They said it was because Percy was a suspected terrorist, but that didn't make sense.

Why after all of these years would they decide to bring him in now? And why would they use illegal methods to do it? Why wouldn't Fury just put an arrest warrant on him? Unless he didn't want the rest of the government to know what he was doing... but why wouldn't he just capture Percy instead of having to go through the hassle of kidnapping two other people to draw him in... unless Fury knew how powerful Percy was and knew it would be to risky to capture him... but they invaded New Rome to get me... why wouldn't they try to take Percy to?

Also, how would Fury know that we were demi-gods? And how would he know where New Rome was... that brought me back to the theory locked away in the back of my mind.

I quickly pushed that idea away and thought about other theories. What if Fury wanted a reason to hurt Percy? He couldn't legally torture him if he kidnapped him, but he could hurt him severely if Percy tried to break in... added bonus is that he could have a better excuse to keep him locked up somewhere saying he was 'healing'. That thought made me shudder.

But things were finally starting to come together. Maybe- just maybe if we could get Percy out and figure out how to escape without alerting Fury, then we could figure out how to take S.H.E.I.L.D down.

I walked aimlessly through the hallways trying to attract attention from S.H.E.I.L.D operatives.

Maybe I would run into Fury and convince him to let me see Percy. That didn't seem likely. Fury seemed to only show himself when he wanted to, not when anyone else did.

I would have to draw his attention; do something he couldn't ignore. I didn't want any of my friends and family to pay the price, but I had to do something.

I turned the corner at the end of the hallway and saw two guards standing there, enveloped in a deep conversation. I took a deep breath to steady my heart rate and took a few silent steps forward.

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