Chapter 2

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A/N: I noticed that I didn't say how many times I would post, and which day. I will post every Monday to the best of my ability. Pls vote and comment I would really appreciate it. I will follow you if you do!! Thanks, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Have a great day from Percyjacksonobsesed with one S.

Percy P.O.V

Annabeth and I were at home about to watch a movie when she walked out of the kitchen and said, "You forgot to buy the popcorn seaweed brain!" I groaned and said "could you go get it, I'm so comfy on the couch and you're already up" Annabeth rolled her eyes "I've known you for 15 years and you're still as lazy as ever", "so that's a yes?" She rolled her eyes for the 100th time that day and said "only if you don't start the movie without me". "I don't know, I can't make any promises" I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes yet again and walked out of the door.

I started the movie without her and when it was about 10 minutes in, I started getting concerned. After 15 minutes I got up (grudgingly) and turned the movie off. We lived in new Rome so you can walk like two steps and get food. What was taking her so long? 20 minutes went by, and now I was really starting to get worried. I went outside and I was overwhelmed by loud sounds of sirens, Terminus going crazy saying "weapons are not permitted inside the boundary" and a bunch of other stuff while shooting everything while his new assistant (Julia's niece also named Julia) running around trying to calm him down. I stopped one of the people near me to ask what was going on. "Some mortals got in with weapons and after about two minutes, left." We have no idea what they were doing here but as far as we know there was no damage." It worried me, how could a couple of mortals get through the Pomerian line, even without weapons?

Something very weird was going on. I started searching the whole city I even searched camp, but I couldn't find Annabeth anywhere. It was getting dark out, so I went back inside. I curled up in my bed knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep. Thoughts filled my head. What if something happened? What if Terminus hit her accidently? Finally, my exhaustion got the best of me, and the last words I said before I fell asleep were "where are you Annabeth" and then I drifted off into the unknown. As usual I was immediately hit with a dream. Annabeth was trapped in a white room with no windows or furniture just one single dimly lit light bulb filling the room with a harsh florescent light. Annabeth was wearing plain white linen shirt that matched her pants. She was sitting on the floor with the face that she always has when planning something. I heard a knocking on the side of the room, at closer inspection I saw there was a plain white door that was the exact same shade of white as the room, with no handle or knob. Annabeth looked at the door agitated with fire in her eyes "what do you want?!" she asked harshly. "I want to know about Perseus Jackson." They had a deep voice that was very authoritative. "Never!" "Then I guess will be keeping you here until you have more to say." "Who are you and what do you want with Percy?" the door opened, and someone walked in. They were bald, wearing an eye patch and had dark skin. "I am Nick Furry, and the second question will take a little longer to explain." "Enlighten me" Annabeth said sarcastically.

Annabeth P.O.V

It was my birthday, and we were doing something just the two of us. We were going to watch a movie. That probably doesn't sound like much, but that's a big deal for us. In New Rome, aka Camp Jupiter, we weren't usually allowed tech. The cellular signal is a beacon saying, "fresh demigods this way, come and eat us." We decided to make an exception and take a risk for my birthday and we were excited, especially Percy.

When I told him we were going to watch a documentary on Architecture he groaned and said, "the one time we're allowed to watch a movie you pick a documentary." "Hey, it's my birthday seaweed brain, not yours." "Fine wise girl" he said jokingly "maybe I should have married someone with better taste in movies." I lightly punched him in the stomach. "that's not how you should treat your husband" he said in mock hurt. I rolled my eyes and punched him in the stomach again. I was getting the popcorn from the kitchen, but I couldn't find it. So, I immediately knew that Percy forgot to buy it when he went to the store earlier. After a lot of complaining by him and a lot of eyerolling by me, I went to get it myself from the coffee shop across the street. It might seem weird that you can by popcorn from a coffee shop but that's New Rome for you, crazy.

I walked out of the coffee shop with the popcorn when I noticed something. There were five men wearing black suits and dark sunglasses and they were holding guns. They looked mortal, so I don't know how they got in. I wasn't too worried because I knew they couldn't pass the Pomerian line, so when they did, I was surprised they were holding guns, they shouldn't have been able to pass. Terminus popped up in surprise and put the sirens on as he was shouting insults at the men. For a statue, Terminus could really trash talk.

I was frozen in shock, so when the men walked up to me, I didn't even move. When they grabbed my arm, my senses kicked back in, so I latched on, and judo flipped him. The next one was so shocked that I used it to my advantage and punched him in the nose. He fell and I attacked the rest of them but when I noticed that I had only knocked out four of the five, I was too late. The other one had snuck up behind me and just when I turned around, he sprayed some kind of gas in my face, and that's the last thing I remember.

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