Chapter 7

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Sorry for posting the chapter late!

This is another short chapter but it's starting to get into the plot more!

thanks for reading!

Peace out from Percyjacksonobsesed with one S

Paul P.O.V

After we lifted Percy to his bed, I went to the kitchen to get a snack. I glanced at my watched and noticed it was 10 minutes after 5. Estelle had left 15 minutes ago to get Percy's bag. She should have been back by now.

With my heart racing, I quickly made my way to the living room. "Sally!" I said distressed. "It's been 15 minutes! Estelle should be back by now!"

Sally jumped out of her seat and ran to the hallway. She grabbed her keys and pulled a painting of the ocean off the wall. I was about to ask her what she was doing when I spotted a safe in the wall behind it. She typed in an intricate code and the door of the safe swung open.

She grabbed what I thought was a balloon animal until I remembered about the mist. I blinked hard and this time I saw a double-edged celestial bronze knife with a pearl engraved leather hilt. She saw my look of pure shock and fear and quickly said between breaths "Gift-Poseidon-use-if-danger."

At first, I must admit I was a little jealous that Poseidon had given it to her, but I mentally scolded myself remembering my daughter could have been in severe danger. She went back to the safe and grabbed another two knives, these ones were not celestial bronze but looked equally as deadly to me. She threw me one and I caught it, almost cutting myself in the process. "C'mon" she said while ripping open the door. I had to run to catch up to her.

"What about Percy?" I asked out of breath. She turned and started running down the stairs skipping every second step. "I don't want to worry him more. After losing Annabeth I don't think he can handle anymore bad news."

She turned and started down the second set of stairs. Sally abruptly stopped. She was staring out the window at something, her face full of despair and heartbreak. I followed her gaze and saw two men wearing suits dragging an unconscious body to a black van. I looked closer and saw it was a young girl about Estelle's age. I looked even harder and realised it was Estelle.

I knew we wouldn't make it down in time. All I could do was watch in anguish as someone dragged my beautiful daughter's unconscious body to her demise. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a gleam of bronze. I turned my head and saw Sally's face full of anguish, despair, but most of all, blinding rage.

I had never seen someone so angry in my entire life, and I had most definitely not seen Sally that angry. She was usually a sweet, gentle, caring person who would keep her cool even if the world was exploding. She was usually welcoming and warm and would give anybody the benefit of the doubt, but right then I couldn't see any of that. All I could see was someone who had been through hell. Someone who wanted revenge on everyone and anything. Someone filled with murderous rage. Someone who had just lost her daughter and couldn't do anything about it.

She pulled the knife back and threw it at the window. The glass shattered into a million pieces, but the knife kept going. It cut through the air with precision, as it went straight towards one of the men dragging Estelle. It should of went right through his heart and killed him, but instead it went through him as if he was a ghost and clattered to the ground.

"He's mortal!" I whispered in disbelief. Sally recovered from her shock much faster than me and readied her second knife, this one made of steel. She pulled it back above her shoulder but this time the kidnappers were ready.

Just as she was about to release it one of the men pulled out his gun and shot at her. The bullet seemed to fly in the air slow motion. It was going straight towards her heart. I didn't know what to do. I knew I couldn't lose her, so I did what came naturally. I jumped in the air trying to push her out of the way, or at least get hit instead, but I was too slow. It went straight past me and hit her with a sickening noise. She fell to the ground as I screamed in horror.

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