Chapter 18! Over 4000 reads!

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I haven't updated in forever!

I actually have a good reason this time though. I was away for 2 weeks and I forgot to bring my computer. I always write my chapters on Word first, so I can use the editor, but I only have it on my computer. Soooo long story short, I couldn't write on my trip.

There is a prophecy this chapter! Yay! It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to write a prophecy. It also helped me actually have a story outline instead of just winging it(Which is what I've been doing! Lol)

Please read!!

In other news, after this story is over I will be writing a prequel. It will be a Harry Potter, Percy Jackson crossover. Which is exiting! It will be co authored with another writer on Wattpad. Their username is: dermotsweeney. They have their own story called James Potter and the Mauraders.  I recommend reading it. My prequel will be the end to their book: James Potter and the Mauraders. It is very good! It's about James and his friends story at Hogwarts. It will change course in a few chapters though, because it will collide with my prequel! Anyway, please read their story!

Rachel P.O.V 

I ran after Nico as he sprinted towards the Big house. I followed, struggling to keep up. Chiron galloped at top speed, with the horsepower of- well... a horse.

We arrived at the big house in about 20 seconds. I leaned over, trying to catch my breath. "C'mon!" Nico Beckoned, already inside. I groaned internally. Maybe I should have kept working out after I left camp.

Nico ran to the very back of the house. As I chased after him, I gulped.

There was only one reason to go back there, my least favourite place at camp.

The attic.

Chiron wheeled up beside me. I glanced at him, wondering how he managed to switch into his wheelchair whilst simultaneously keeping up with us. He saw me staring at him and winked.

Nico pulled down the latter to the attic. "Neeks, why are we-" I stopped in the middle of the sentence, as I stared up at green pulsing light coming from the attic. Nico started climbing the latter, "Don't. Call. Me. Neeks." I was too shocked to response. As I followed Nico up the latter, my heart started racing. "Make sure to tell me what you see!" Chiron exclaimed. "Why aren't- Oh yeah, sorry. Never mind." I mentally face palmed myself, remembering that Chiron can't actually climb... well anything.

Nico gasped as he reached the top of the latter. "What?! What do you see!" Nico climbed pulled himself up off the latter ignoring me. I tentatively followed. The green pulsing light got stronger and stronger with each wrung. I started to feel woozy and almost fell of the latter. I caught myself just in time and pulled myself into the attic.

I stared at glowing figure; Mesmerized, I took a step forward reaching out to touch the figure. It felt familiar, like someone I knew but just couldn't quite place. I took another step, this time only inches away from it's face- no- her face. I sighed, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Rachel?! What are you doing!" Nico yelled, worried, but to me his voice just sounded like a faint back round noise fading into the pulse of the green light. "Who are you?" I asked the Woman; no words escaping my lips. "I'm you," her words reverberated through my head. "I'm me. I'm Pytho. I'm Pythia. I'm Delphi."

I gasped as she walked through my body. I heard every single prophecy ever told, rush through my head in a millisecond. The green light pulsed stronger than ever, but this time not outside of me, inside. Her image burned brightly in my mind. For the first time, I could see her- actually see her, but as soon as she was there, she was gone. I collapsed to the ground as all the energy faded from my body. Nico ran over to me and cushioned my fall. "Rachel!" He said, trying to keep me conscious. "What did you see?! What did you see?!" "Her." Was all I could say before I drifted into unconsciousness.

I woke up with a gasp. I sat straight up, my head pounding. "Uuh." I groaned holding my hands to my head. "Shhh, lay back down." I heard a voice say, as they gently nudged me back into a laying position. I opened my eyes, and the light blinded me. For a moment everything turned green but flashed back to the harsh white after seconds. My eyes adjusted to the harsh florescent light. I was about to ask what happened when a familiar sensation filled my body. Smoke spewed out of my mouth as I repeated a prophecy I had already told:

You shall run from the dark secrets of your foes

And face an enemy as darkness unfolds

Allies will be born in night

But one will turn out of spite

forgive for the blood that has endlessly spilled

But who to choose will build or kill

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