Chapter 6

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A/N Hi!

Sorry for the short chapter :(

Should I make the next Chapter in Paul or Sally's P.O.V?

Or maybe both?

Anyway... I hope ya'll enjoy the chapter!

Tony P.O.V

"Have you ever heard of Percy Jackson?" Nick asked. His name swirled around my head. Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson. I had heard that name before and I don't think it was in a good context. I was running through all the possible ways I could have heard his name when Fury rudely interrupted my train of thought. "Stark? Stark! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?!" "Sorry" I grumbled. Fury rolled his eyes, or should I say eye.

"As I was saying" Fury continued snarkily. For a man who took everything so seriously, he really had a lot of sass. "Percy Jackson is 30 years old and has been on S.H.E.I.L.D.'s radar since he was twelve years old. "Twelve years old!!" Steve remarked, shocked. "What did he do, kill someone?" I quipped jokingly. "No, but he was in a gun fight and exploded a national monument."
It finally clicked in my mind. "He was the kid on the news who they thought killed his mother." "Exactly" Fury nodded. "But I thought his name was cleared? In the end wasn't he taken hostage and forced to do it all?" Steve asked confused.  "Unless that was just a cover up." I added thoughtfully. "Do you really think a kid that age could do so much harm?" Steve asked. "All the evidence points in that direction. Think about it, there were dozens of eyewitnesses. None of them even mentioned someone else with them, and I'm pretty sure that a biker terrorist taking three kids' hostage would've be noticeable. They only mentioned him after the fact." Fury answered.

"So, you think they were bribed?" I asked. "We can't rule out the possibility that something else is going on." "Hold up, this happened 10, 15 years ago. Why are we investigating now?" Fury leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. "I was looking through all our high-profile cases to see where the convicts are now, When I saw something unusual. Perseus Jackson's file was much bigger than even our most dangerous criminals' files. After I finished reading it, I was astonished. He had blown up several of his schools and school busses, all of the stuff that was on the news. I also theorized that he had something to do with Mount St. Helens erupting. He disappeared from the face of the planet for 8 months, only to be sighted in Alaska, Rome and then Greece. The list goes on and on.

I tried to check which prison or asylum he was in, and he wasn't anywhere. Every time someone tried to draw attention to him, a few weeks later they would clarify, saying they made a mistake. The worst part is, he has been living under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s nose for his whole life. "Does he live in New York?" Steve asked curiously, "In Manhattan." Fury replied "Manhattan?! How have we not noticed him before?!" Steve looked like he was hyperventilating, so I cut him off,"What do you want us to do about it?" I was very bored. That monologue was way to long for me. "I want you to help me devise a plan. A plan to lure Percy Jackson to our base, without him even knowing it."

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