Chapter 13

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Hey everyone!

I decided to do something new and add a song to this chapter!

I listened to it while I was writing this chapter and I thought it would be a perfect fit.

I really recommend listening to it. It's a great song! It's called "Numb Little Bug" by Em Beihold.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

 From Percyjacksonobsesed with one S

Percy P.O.V

My head was pounding. I was tired, I was desperate, and I was done. Just done. All I had ever done was give, and I got nothing in return. This was what went through my head as Thalia, Selena and I trudged through the rainy streets of Manhattan. We were walking towards my parents apartment, with each step I was sinking more and more into despair. With each step I was swimming deeper and deeper into my emotions. With each step I was getting closer to drowning.

I should have been there. I could have protected her, I could have protected all of them, but I failed. I should have been the one to go get the stupid popcorn. I should have been the one to notice Estelle was gone. I should have been the one shot. All I had ever done was try to protect my family and friends, but in the end, I failed, Like always. I couldn't tell Thalia, so I pretended, knowing that each step I took was getting closer and closer to reality.

Why couldn't the Fates just give me some peace. Annabeth and I were finally happy, we were living a normal life, until she was kidnapped.

It was like my life was a twisted reality, in which every time I thought I could finally let my guard down, something tragic and terrible would happen to break me again. And now I was afraid I wasn't just broken, I was shattered. I pulled my hoodie over my face trying to cover the tears tracking down my face.

Thalia finally spoke up, causing me to jump. "Percy? How's Sally doing? I haven't seen her in awhile." My stomach twisted in a knot. Now I wasn't just afraid I was shattered, I knew it.

The tears were so overwhelming I could barely breath. I started running, running away from my problems. Literally. I was running away from Thalia. I was running away from my past. Most of all, I was running away from her question. The question that rocked my world, because if I answered, it would become real, it all would.

It was as if that lonely twelve-year-old boy, who was forced into a new life, a life he never even wanted. A life without love. A life without his mother, was me again.

Then my mother was returned to me, and everything was back to normal (Not really). Then I found Annabeth, the love of my life, the best thing that ever happened to me. I finally felt accepted, loved, but now I was back to where I started. Alone.

I ran around the corner behind my parent's apartment building, And saw the fire escape ladder. A sad smile played at my lips as I thought about all the crazy things that happened. Like the time I saw the shadow in the window, and it ended up being Annabeth with her invisibility cap on (Later I found out she had seen me change. Whoops.) And the times I would sneak out of my bedroom to fight monsters. And the Moonlace flower sitting in its little planter, glowing beautifully.

I slid down against a brick wall, tucking my knees into my chest, rocking back and forth muttering to myself. Tears pouring out of my eyes.

Thalia's P.O.V

"Percy?" he visibly jumped, "How's Sally doing? I haven't seen her in awhile." I asked. He stopped dead in his tracks, And I knew I had triggered him somehow. He had been acting weird the whole way here. At first, I thought he just missed Annabeth, but there was definitely something else. Then he did something even weirder, he started running, not like 'race you there!' kind of running, but like 'I'm super scared, I'm running for my life' kind of running. "What was that all about?" Selena asked, worried. I didn't answer because I already started running to catch up with him.

I stopped, catching my breath, thinking he already got away when I heard muffled sobbing in an alley beside me. I turned and ran down the alley. Behind the fire escape I saw a familiar hoodie and jeans curled up in a ball. I tentatively took a step closer, putting my hand out. "Percy?" I whispered softly. He sniffled as an answer. I sat down beside him, hugging him into my shoulder. "D-did something happen to Sally?" I asked, afraid of the answer. He sobbed into my shoulder. My gut twisted. "Oh Percy." I said, "I'm so sorry." I pulled him into my chest, wrapping my arms around him.

Tears welled in my eyes as I thought about Sally. I remembered the time that she drove Percy, Annabeth and I to the wilderness school. She told baby stories about Percy. Annabeth and I laughed in glee, savouring Percy's embarrassment. And all the times I would come over and She would bake cookies (Blue obviously). She would treat me with such warmth and kindness that she took over the role of the mother I never had.

Why did the best people always have the worst fate.

"Guys?!" I heard a familiar voice call out. "Selena! Were over here!" I said, quickly wiping my tears away. She ran up the alley, and I could tell she was mad. "WHAT THE HADES WERE YOU DOI-." I quickly gave her the death glare and nodded over to a broken Percy. Her face immediately softened. "What happened?" She mouthed silently. "Sally died." I mouthed back. She gave me a confused look and I remembered she never met Sally. "His Mom" I elaborated silently. Her eyes widened in horror and pity. "Perce?" I said softly. "Do you think you can go up to your parents apartment. He nodded his head. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up." He wiped his nose and slowly stood up. He might look 20 years older than me, but I will always be the one taking care of him. "Let's go upstairs." I linked arms with Percy, and we slowly walked around the front apartment building, making it to the door. Percy's breath was getting shallower and shallower each time we took a step. "It's okay Perce." I said, trying to reassure him. We walked into the elevator and pressed the floor 12 button. Percy's breath was so shallow now, I thought he was going to faint. "Percy." I said staring him right into the eyes, "You. Can. Do. This." enunciating each word so it would sink in. He took a deep breath and nodded his head in appreciation.

The elevator door dinged open. I was shocked with the sight of police everywhere. The door to Paul and Sally's apartment was wide open and there was caution tape covering it. "Holy Shi-."

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