Chapter 14

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I'm back from the grave!

Sorry about the three week disappearance.

I've been really busy lately, so I'm going to change my schedule again.

I will post on Tuesday, every two weeks.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Here is the new chapter, it's kind of short, but from now on my chapters will be at least 1,100 words (Not including authors notes).

Have a good rest of your week! 

Remember to vote and comment!

Sincerely Percyjacksonobsesed with one S!

Estelle P.O.V continued from chapter 12

The door to the cell smashed open and Nick Fury walked in. I was horrified. Not by Fury himself, but by what he was holding, or should I say, who he was holding.

"Percy!" Annabeth called out, worried. He was covered in blood and scrapes. His hair was matted to one side and his eyes rolled back into his head. "What did you do to him?!" Annabeth screamed. "What was necessary?" Fury said calmly. "You ass-." "Now now," Fury said, "He's not dead, he's just knocked out." "Ya! With blood pouring out of him!" Annabeth interrupted.

The redhead walked out from behind him. "Maybe we should get him some help." She said, starting to sound a little worried herself. Fury waved his hand in dismissal or tried to, but it was hard when you are holding a body. Percy's body started convulsing, at first it was subtle, but it escalated fast. Soon he started mumbling things I couldn't hear. Then he screamed, a scream of pure agony, a scream that you hoped you would never hear. A scream of hopelessness. It was so shocking that Fury dropped Percy's body in surprise. I looked over at Annabeth and she looks in as much pain as Percy. "Let me go!" she screamed desperately, "Let me go! It's only going to get worse!" The guard that was holding her didn't comply. Percy now started shaking so hard, I thought he was having a seizure. "Let me go, NOW!" Annabeth screamed, tears streaking down her cheeks. The guard finally let her go, seeing that soon Percy might not just be a danger to himself, but to other people.

Annabeth made her way over to Percy slowly, trying not to get hit. "It's okay Perce," Annabeth whispered gently, "I'm here. We're out of that place. I know you would never leave me." He started shaking less. "I love you Percy, we're together, Bob saved us, remember?" He stopped shaking and mumbled. "Annabeth?" tears welled in her eyes as she placed her hand on his forehead. "I'm here Percy, I'm here." A soft smile played at his lips, as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

"Someone get me a bed and a doctor." Annabeth commanded. Everybody seemed to forget that we were prisoners and immediately two guards scurried out of the room.

Minutes later three people came into the room, two were carrying a bed, and the other was wearing a lab coat. The two people carrying the bed slowly put it on the ground in the corner of the cell. They picked up Percy and gently placed him on the bed. Percy mumbled something about Grover and enchiladas. I had no idea what that was about.

Thalia's P.O.V Co

The elevator doors opened, and I was shocked by what I saw. Police were swarming the hallways. There were people in hazmat suits, wrapping Sally and Paul's apartment with police tape. There were also people in normal police uniforms, and one person stood out. There was a man in a black suit, with an earpiece standing at the end of the hallway. He looked like he was trying to stay inconspicuous, but with my Demigod senses I could spot him easily. "Percy?" I said, squeezing his arm very tight. His body stiffened as he curtly nodded, notifying me that he sees him too. "We should leave." I whispered. He nodded again. Percy quickly made his way over to the elevator buttons and was about to press it when I heard a familiar voice.

"Percy?" I heard Chiron say. Percy stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to face his mentor. I followed suit, turning around to give Chiron a hug. "Thalia." he said softly. I leaned down and gave him a hug. "I forgot how short you were when your in a wheelchair." I said jokingly. Chiron chuckled. "It's good to see you too, Thalia."

Finally, a cop noticed us and walked towards the elevator. She had light skin and curly blonde hair tied up in a bun. "This is a crime scene, you must leave." She said it with so much authority even I was intimidated. "It's okay Alexandria, They're with me." Chiron stated. "Chiron" Alexandria said rolling her eyes, "What did I say about calling by my full name." "Okay Alexa" Chiron corrected.

"I am so confused." Selena said, "Who are these people?" Percy answered, "This is Chiron. He's the Centaur That trained all of the most famous demigods. Like Heracles, Ajax, Aeneas, Odysseus, Diomedes, Achilles, Patroclus, Castor, Pollux and obviously me... the infamous Percy Jackson!" I rolled my eyes at Percy's antics. "And this is..." Percy trailed off, "I'm Alexa, daughter of Apollo.

We finished introducing ourselves and I asked Alexa what was going on. She and Chiron informed us that Paul had called Chiron after Sally "left". It seemed that the government had intercepted the call and sent their people to cover it all up. "This isn't the police." Alexa whispered to us, glancing around making sure no one would hear us. "These people are from a government agency called S.H.I.E.L.D." "They were sent here to 'investigate' the murder of Sally Jackson, aka cover up her murder because they were the ones who did it." Alexa's words rang in my ears, making me feel faint, but even in my daze I could make out the water seeping out from under people's doors. 'Uh oh' was the last thing I thought, before a blast of water exploded into the hallway with such speed and force that it knocked me out.

EstelleWhere stories live. Discover now