Chapter 6

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*At Millie's house, w/ Noah, Chloe, and Y/n*
~Millie's POV~
I hear a knock on the door and rush over to answer it. At the door we're the people I was excepting: the Schnapp Siblings. "Hey babe," Noah says leaning in to kiss me. I quickly kiss him. "Hey baby. No offense but I need to hear the tea before we hang out," I say, causing the girls to laugh. "Rejected!" Chloe shouts, making Noah roll his eyes. "She still kissed me anyway!" Noah mentions. "Okay, are you guys ready for the news that I haven't told anyone yet?" Y/n says. "Of course! Let's sit down first," I say. We all go sit down on the couch, even Noah is excited to hear the news.

~Noah's POV~
Y/n is about to tell us some news. I have no clue what it could be. "Okay, so basically, I was hanging out with Louis, my new coworker, and we were making homemade pizza. We put flour on each other's faces and then all the sudden.. we kissed!" Y/n says, out of breath. "Congrats, dingus!" I say, playfully punching her shoulder. "Babe, be nice. Anyways, congrats bestie!" Millie says. "Yes, girl! I'm so proud of you! Does this mean you guys are dating?" Chloe states. "No, we just laughed it off awkwardly and continued on with the night," Y/n says. "Well you should talk to him about it," I say, making Chloe and Millie nod in agreement. "Ok, ok! I will!" Y/n says.

A/n: Sorry that this chapter is so short! Next chapter I will have Y/n talk to Louis about the kiss.

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