Chapter 22

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*a month and a half later*
~Y/n's POV~
Yesterday was our last day of filming. Which makes tonight the premiere. Now this may be surprising, but instead of going to the premiere, we are going to invite our friends over and celebrate with just them instead.


Our friend just got here, and we have a small set up of champagne and snacks. Millie and Noah decided not to bring their significant others with them, which I don't really care whether they do or not, I'm just happy to seem them. Yes, even Noah. "Babes! I've missed you so much!!" Mills says, running over and giving me a hug. "I haven't," Noah says, causing me to roll my eyes at him. "I haven't either," I say back. We love joking with each other. Deep down we did miss each other, but as siblings we don't really show it. I playfully shove Noah out of the way and hug both Sadie and Chloe at the same time. Louis goes to help Noah out and teases him about getting shoved by me.

Hours pass by and all of us are having the time of our lives. We were playing music, in other words, we were blasting music. I'm surprised there haven't been any noise complaints. I was dancing when all the sudden everybody else in the room had their mouths wide open. I turn around, confused on what's going on and start bawling my eyes out. "Y/n Schnapp, will you make me the happiest man all and become my wife?" Lou asks, also crying. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I exclaim. He stand up and lifts me off the ground and spins me around. Then he sets me back down and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I love that Louis isn't afraid to show his emotions around me or our friends. I can't wait to marry this man.

A/n: they're engagedddd

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