Chapter 4

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*The next day on set of Enola Holmes*
~Y/n's POV~
I'm chilling in my trailer, by myself, until I hear another knock on the door. "Come in!" I shout. They walk in and I turn around to see that it's Louis. "Hey again! I just came here because you're one of the few people my age," Louis said, shyly. "No need to explain yourself. You can come here anytime. Thank you for knocking," I say, smiling at him. "Okay, thank you," Louis says, sitting down next to me.

"So, since we will be seeing each other a lot during the filming, I think we should play 20 questions," I suggest. "Sure, but can we make it 5 because I can't think of questions that easily," Louis says and I nod in agreement. "You can ask yours first, Lou," I say, making him smile. "Okay. Have you ever kissed anybody?" Louis asks. "No, I haven't, I'm still waiting for the perfect guy," I say. "I haven't either, I'm still waiting too," Louis says. "Anyways, what do you do during your free time for fun?" Louis says, continuing to ask questions. "Sing and dance, mostly," I say.

*After playing 20 (5) questions game*
~Louis' POV~
Y/n is a really nice person. She's really pretty too. I feel so welcome and acknowledged with her. "Can I ask you something?" Y/n asks. "Of course," I say. "Why did you come visit me yesterday? Not that I didn't like it because I did like it," she says. "I've heard a bit about you before, and I wanted to get to know you so we can be friends. I also find it really cool that you are the sister of Chloe and Noah Schnapp," I say. "Yup, that's me, Y/n Schnapp," she says, giggling. Hours pass and I'm still hanging out with Y/n, even if we get called to set separately, we always go back to each other. We are inseparable. She's my best friend and I like to think that I'm hers.

The end of the day finally comes, and it's time for me to go home. "Bye Y/n! I had a lot of fun today. We should do it again, but outside of work," I say, starting to blush. "I completely agree. I'll text you times that work for me. Bye Lou!" She says back.

A/n: They are getting along quite well! See what happens in the next chapter!

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