Chapter 16

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*Y/n's POV*
-A few weeks later-
"Babe!" I shout. "Yes, hun?" Louis walks over to me. "They are making another Enola Holmes movie and we are obviously in the cast since we were the main characters!" I say, out of breath. "That's amazing news!" He exclaims. "We are needed at the set tomorrow," I say, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. He kisses me back and takes my hand. He kisses my hand and smiles at me. "Back to sharing more amazing experiences with you on movie sets," Louis says. I smile back at him. "More precious memories for me to cherish," I state.

-The next day, at the set of Enola Holmes 2-
*Louis' POV*
Y/n and I—with Sadie, Noah, Chloe, and Millie—are currently driving to the set of Enola Holmes 2. We are bringing our friends because they love exploring the set. "Guys, we are here!" I say. "Hooray!" They say, making me and Y/n laugh. A little update about somethings, Noah and Millie broke up and decided to stay friends because Noah came out as gay. So both Millie and Noah are both single. Anyways, let's get back on track.

We walk into set and Noah, Millie, Chloe, and Y/n go exploring. Sadie and I stick together and go straight to Y/n and my trailer, which are right next to each other. I don't know Sadie very well, so now is a good time to get to know her. "Hey, so I've just realized that we've never really gotten to know each other!" I say. "Oh yea, I guess we haven't!" Sadie starts. "Well my full name is Sadie Elizabeth Sink. What's yours?" She continues. "Louis Patrick J. Partridge," I say. "Nice. So how's it going with you and Y/n?" She asks. She seems quite protective of Y/n, but I would never hurt her. "Good, I love her so much. I would never hurt her. How's it going with Chloe?" I ask. "Really good, I love her. But don't tell her I said that, I wanna tell her that myself," she says and I nod.

-An hour later-
*Y/n's POV*
Sadie pulled me aside to talk to me for some reason. But of course I said yes because I didn't want to be rude. "Hey, girl. What's up?" I ask Sadie. "Hey, babe," Sadie says. Sadie and I like to call each other babe because we think it's a cute nickname for friends, not just couples. "I was talking to Louis and he said something really cute that I just had to tell you," Sadie continues. "And what did Lou say, babe?" I ask. "He said that he really loves you a lot and that he would never hurt you," Sadie says, making me tear up slightly.

Sadie sees that I'm tearing up and she pulls me into a tight hug. I tightly hug her back, then pull away after a few moments. "Thank you so much for telling me. That means so much to me," I say, wiping my tears. "Of course, but don't thank me. Thank Louis since he was the one who actually said that," Sadie says. "That's exactly what I'll do."

A/n: I don't know what to say lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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