Chapter 21

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*the next week, on set*
~Louis' POV~
Today is the day on set that Y/n and I film our kissing scene. We are both quite excited, but don't show it because we don't know if the whole cast or crew knows we are dating.

*During filming*
"There are two secrets to fighting. Avoid the punch, make the counter punch," Y/n says, in character. "I don't see how two secrets- Ow!" I start to say and then since as she punches me. "Your first lesson," she states. "Ow," I say again. She slaps me. "Ow!" I say for a third time. "Your second! You didn't avoid the punch, you let me make the counter punch," she says. "Enola, you can hardly expect me to hit a girl," I say as an excuse. "Oh dear," she says, slightly amused and punches me again. "I'm not some- Ow!" And again. "Ow! Will you stop that?!" I say, getting slightly annoyed. She laughs at me. "I can't stop," she smiles. We both laugh until we hear the driver say that we're approaching. We sit in silence while staring at each other for a bit until she pulls me in for a kiss. We pull apart and I keep my eyes closed for a few seconds, cherishing the kiss. "I may need a few more of those lessons," I joke, making her giggle.

*After filming the scene, still on set*
~Y/n's POV~
Louis and I both walk into my trailer and sit down next to each other. "I'm sorry that I actually had to punch you, bubs," I say, slightly frowning. He places his hand on the side of my face and leans in closer, placing a light kiss on my lips. "It's okay, love. It's all apart of the acting. I know you didn't mean it," he says, with a smile appearing. I smile back and rest my forehead on his. "I love you," I say, tired from a day full of filming. "I love you too, sweetheart," he says back.

He lays down and pulls me on top of him. "Take a nap, you deserve it," he says. "Thank you," I say in between small yawns, which made Lou smile. "Of course," he says, playing with my hair as I fall asleep with my head resting on his chest.

~Louis' POV~
Even after Y/n fell asleep, I continued to play with her soft hair. Two hours pass, and Y/n is still napping on top of me in her trailer. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the trailer door. "Come in!" I shout, but not loud enough to wake the sleeping girl. "Oh I'm sorry. Am I disturbing something?" Hannah Dodd, who plays Cicely, asks. Hannah is one of the few people on this cast that know we are dating. At least, I think. I'm not sure who all knows. I gently remove myself from under Y/n and lay her back down. "Nope, she's just taking a nap. What's up?" I ask. "Well, you and Y/n are needed in set 7. You guys have to film the final scene," Hannah informs me. "Are we at that point already?" I ask. "No, there are still other scenes to be filmed, but they would like to get the final scene done," Hannah says.

"Well, thank you for telling me. I'll wake her up and we will be there shortly," I state, and she nods and walks out, waving goodbye to me with a smile. I walk over to Y/n and walk her up. "Doll, you have to wake up. We have to film the final scene," I inform her. She yawns. "Are we already at that point?" She says in her groggily voice, which I find adorable. I tell her everything that Hannah just told me and she nods in response, letting me know that she understands.

*after filming that scene, at their house*
~Y/n's POV~
I'm extremely exhausted from work today. I may have took a 2 hour nap during the day, but filming can really drain a person's energy. "Oh god, I'm so tired," I say. "I know hun," Lou says, pulling me into a gentle hug. Once we pull away from the hug, we both change into more comfortable clothes and hop in bed. Not very long after getting into bed, sleep quickly overcomes me.

A/n: they're almost done filming Enola Holmes 2!!

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