Bonus Chapter - Christmas Theme

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[This is just a bonus chapter so this never actually happened!]
~Y/n's POV~
It's Christmas Eve and I'm going to do something romantic with Louis. It involves mistletoe. As you may know, when to people are under the mistletoe they have to kiss, which is my goal: kissing Louis under the mistletoe. It will be so cute! I walk over to Louis hiding the mistletoe behind me so he can't see it. "Hey Lou!" I say. "Hey darling," he says, kissing my forehead. Then I pull out the mistletoe for behind me and hold it above us. "Oh wow! We're under the mistletoe," I say. "I guess we are," he smirks. "Kiss me then," I say, and he does as I say. He kisses me with passion but he does it softly. And of course I kiss him back. "Marry Christmas, love. I love you," he says, making me blush. "Merry Christmas to you too. And I love you more," I say. "That's impossible, because I love you the most," he says, making me smile and then I give him another kiss.

A/n: Well this is just a bonus chapter so this never happened in the actual story. Hope you liked it and thought that it was really cute!

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