Chapter 19

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*At 2am*
~Y/n's POV~
I wake up and look around to see Sadie and Chloe cuddled up on the couch. I wake Lou up to bring him into our bedroom. "Wake up, baby," I whisper. "Is something wrong?" He asks. "No, I just to go to our room," I say. He nods and gets up quietly. I hold his hand while we walk to our room. "Why did you actually want to come to our room?" He asks, after he closes the door. I don't answer, instead I look down at the floor. "He lifts my chin up so I look at him. "You could've just said so darling," He states. "No, I couldn't have. Not with Chloe and Sadie around. It would be embarrassing to ask for sex with anybody around," I say.

"Plus it's really late, so I didn't what to bother you.." I admit. "Babe, that doesn't matter to me," Lou says. I kiss him. "Are you sure you want to do this at this time of night?" I ask. "Anytime is good, because it's with you," he says, making me smile. He picks me up and sets me on the bed. He takes his clothes off, as I take mine off. He climbs onto the bed, all of our clothes now on the floor. "We have to be quiet, okay?" I say. He nods. I lay down and spread my legs. Louis starts kissing me, so I won't be loud. He inserts himself inside of me, slowly starting to go faster and rougher. We are trying to go as quick as possible so we wake anybody.

*After the sex, in the morning*
~Louis' POV~
I wake up before Y/n and quickly get dressed and set a new pair of panties and an oversized hoodie of mine on our dresser with a note that reads: 'Put this on and then come to the kitchen, I'll be making you breakfast.'

I walk out of our room and see that Sadie and Chloe are awake. "Morning Louis," Sadie says. "Morning," I respond. "Where did you lovebirds sneak off to?" Chloe teases, knowing exactly what we did. "Chlo, don't tease them," Sadie says. I laugh and agree with Sadie, and Chloe rolls her eyes. Sadie and Chloe sit on the couch and talk, mainly kiss, with each other. I start making breakfast as Y/n stumbles out of our room. "Can't walk, huh?" Chloe teases once again. "Shut up sis. I already know that you know we had sex," she says back. "Chlo, I think it's time for us to leave these lovebirds for some time alone," Sadie says. "Fine!" Chloe responds. Sadie whispers something in Chloe's ear. "Now I'll definitely leave," Chloe smirks.

I'm assuming they were dirty talking. After they leave, Y/n stumbles over to me and sits on the counter. "Did we really go that rough? Or have we just had too much sex in a short span of time?" I ask. "We've only had sex twice, and the first time we did was weeks ago," she responds.

*Flashback, third-person POV*
"Harder, Lou, please," Y/n begs. Louis picks up his pace and goes harder, still trying to be as quiet as possible.
*End of flashback*

~Y/n's POV~
We both have a flashback of last night, blushing as we remember. "So yeah, we went rough," he says, laughing. "Yeah, well now I can't walk!" I exclaim. He walks over to where I'm sitting on the counter and kisses me. "Sorry. But I gave you what you asked for!" He said making me laugh. "That's true," I kiss him back. He goes back to making breakfast and as soon as it's done, we eat and then cuddle for the rest of the day, since we don't have any filming for today.

A/n: idk what to put here lol

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