Chapter 25

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*Once they are back from their honeymoon*
~Louis' POV~
"Mom, Dad, Mom-in-law, and Dad-in-law," I start. "What's up?" They all ask. Y/n hands her parents a test and my parents a test. "We're going to be parents!" Y/n and I say in unison. All the parents, even the dads, start to cry from happiness. "Congrats!" Each of them say and pull us into a hug. Now to tell our friends.

~Y/n's POV~
We call our friends and tell them to come over since both of our parents have left. And of course they come right away. Millie and Noah, once again, decide not to bring their boyfriends. Which I'm okay with since this is kind of something that I don't want them to know about. Not yet at least. We do the same thing that we did to show our parents. Millie and Noah got their own to look at while Sadie and Chloe shared one. Once they took all of it in, they acted just like the parents did. They told us congratulations and gave us tight hugs.

One thing I didn't mention is that with the parents we discussed the names for whether the baby will be a boy or girl. Which we told our friends the chosen names too. We decided on Tara for if it's a girl and Jeremiah for if it's a boy. Is it super early to be talking about baby names? Maybe. But that's okay because we want to be prepared for whenever the baby comes. We plan to have the nursery be white and sage green like our wedding. I can't wait for our baby to be born.

A/n: Sorry that this was such a short chapter, but I made it that way since it was just going to be the reactions to the pregnancy. Next chapter is the final chapter! I'll be doing a time skip for it, but it's hard to explain my plan in words, so you'll see once it's posted.

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