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I'm dating the boy of my dreams, I have the best of friends. Life is finally perfect! Until he shows up. Luke Patterson. Holding the record for most detentions in a semester. We used to be friends, I mean, kind of..


Julie gently presses a key of the piano. It's not the same as it was. "Why did she leave me." Julie thinks "WHY DID SHE LEAVE ME" She says as she slammed the piano, holding back her tears. As she sat back in the seat, wiping her tears away she hears boots clanking her way. "Are you alright?" A boy with a canadian accent says. Julie slowly turns around and sees.. Luke Patterson? "Yeah.. I- I'm fine!" She mutters with a shaky tone. "I just- I swear I heard shouting" Luke questions.

"Why would you care anyway, you're Luke Patterson, renowned "bad boy" of this school." Julie says, stopping to think. "Did I just use the word bad boy?- What is wrong with me today." "One, people still use the word bad boy?" Luke giggles leaning against the door frame.

"And two, a majority of rumors are not true. I'm just a normal guy who has a sympathetic side." "Ahh, Luke Patterson has a sympathetic side. That's something I thought I'd never hear." Julie says, smiling a bit then slowly fading back to a resting state. "So, what's up? Why are you abusing the piano?" Luke says jokingly. "EXCUSE YOU I LOVE THIS THING." She says as Luke chuckles. He walks over to sit next to her and slowly sees tears develop in her eyes as she turns her head away. "Hey.." He says, putting his hand on her upper knee.

"Whatever happens in this room stays in this room." He says slowly being cut off by tears. "I miss her.. so fucking much." Luke pauses to think, who is she talking about, then something he heard pops into his mind. Her mother.

Luke slowly puts his hands around her as she buries her face into his chest, tears staining the black tank top. She looks up at him, making eye contact with the boy she previously hated. Then, footsteps approach from the hallway. "JULIE! JULIE WHERE ARE YOU?" A more feminine voice? Julie backs away from the tall tan boy and stands up. "There you are! Nick has a surprise for you-" "Luke? What is he doing here." Julie looks up at the dirty blonde girl then turns to Luke.

"He- was just coming to practice! Nothing to worry about Carrie!" Julie stutters, looking at the boy's smile fade. "Alright, well Nick has something to for you!" She says, pulling Julie away by the hand. For some reason, a sudden wave of guilt falls over Julie.

I mean, yes she strayed a bit far from the truth.. but what would Carrie think if she said otherwise! That she was just hugging the Luke Patterson? The one boy her father told her to stay away from? Everyone knows Carrie loves to gossip! Then said gossip would be written in the school paper and she would be done for! Her whole life down the drain, no more Yale, no more straight A's, her father would kill her!

The click of a door closing snapped her out of her transe. She looked up and found herself in a room with Nick. The captain of the lacrosse team. The boy she's been in love with since middle school..


Thank you for reading this! Bare with me, I have never written a Julie and the Phantoms fanfic but I've seen the show 300+ times so I think I may be cut out to do it. Anyway, THIS WAS REALLY FUN AND IM VERY EXCITED TO CONTINUE IT! ALSO SORRY FOR IT BEING SHORT! I WANTED SOME "BACKSTORY"? IF THAT MAKES SENSE. - A


𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || JukeWhere stories live. Discover now