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Luke glances over to Nick having conversations with numerous girls holding red cups with who knows what combination of alcohol in them. He then follows his eyes back over to Julie sitting on the couch stoned out of her mind, chugging a bottle of what looked like tequila but who knows at this point. He sighs, disappointed in himself as he starts walking over to Julie.

"HEYY LUKE!!~" Julie says making her eyes up to Luke's, slurring her words. "Alright Jules it's time to go." Luke says grabbing Julie's upper arm before she shrugs his hand off in disagreement "But I just got here! And Nick doesn't seem to be done!" She says mindlessly pointing over to him not noticing the 5 girls throwing themselves at the boy.

"I said it's time to go." Luke says, attempting to look for backup but Reggie's taking shots and Alex is rocking back and forth while Willie comforts him. He doesn't take well to alcohol on his meds. He has a lot more anxiety attacks when he's drunk! Luke looks at Willie tilting his head a bit, wondering if Alex is alright. Thankfully Willie was sober so he was in the right mindset to drive Alex and Reggie home. As he's nodding, Luke turns back to Julie who seems to be now on the coffee table dancing to whatever pop song was playing on the radio with random drunk teenagers cheering on her and one even taking a video. Luckily, Luke even just looking at the boy made him stop.

"Jules." Luke repeats himself, slightly in a more serious tone. He was concerned about Julie's wellbeing. He didn't even know why! It's not like he likes her that way, she has a boyfriend and he's alright with that. Even if he's a cheating blonde preppy lacrosse player!  

"Isn't it a bit hot?" Julie says, wiping sweat off her forehead slowly unbuttoning her shirt. "Alright that's it." Luke says grabbing Julie by the ankles and slinging her over his broad shoulders. Okay, maybe it was a bit unneeded BUT SHE WAS GETTING UNDRESSED ON A COFFEE TABLE GODDAMN IT! He makes his way out of the living room with her without Nick even noticing. Unsurprised, he walks into the bedroom with everyone's coat to two random teenagers making out. As usual, he ignores them and just grabs his and Julie's coats. At this point Julie's out of it, mumbling to herself as if she were doing a speech in front of thousands.

He gets out of the gigantic hotel looking house, putting on a spare helmet for Julie making sure she was holding on as tight as possible in case of falling off of his bike. Yes the studio was only 15 minutes away but anything could happen, especially with a drunk girl who's most likely also stoned as fuck on the back of a motorcycle. He considers taking her home for a second but decides against it as he doesn't think her dad would be very happy to find out her daughter was drunk and high on a Friday night being brought home by Luke Patterson on the back of his motorbike. 

He arrives at the studio and raises Julie's arm to put over his shoulder. As they make their way inside he sits her down on the beanbag as he fixes up the couch for her to sleep on to find out she's already half asleep. He instead grabs a random blanket from a cupboard and places it over her gently. Julie then reaches up to his chin and brushes the stubble below his lip. "I don't like this, it's scratchy" she says squinting her eyes. 'SCRATCHY?' HE THINKS. WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? AND WHAT'S THE ISSUE WITH IT! He starts over thinking until he realises him and Julie are staring directly into each others eyes. For a moment the whole world froze. Just them against everything. Julie leans up and boops him on the nose while giggling then completely passes out. 

Luke smiles slightly then makes sure to wipe it off his face. As he turns around to think about the slight possibility of this working out. Then remembers once again. She already has a boyfriend.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || JukeWhere stories live. Discover now