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As I sat in History class my phone kept buzzing and I kept giggling. But once again, he walked in. How am I supposed to stay away from him when he can literally teleport!

"Luke Patterson. Good to see you finally showed up!" Miss Erics said, putting down the chalk and crossing her arms in disapproval. "What can I say! I just love learning about- wait what are we learning about today" he said, glancing up at the blackboard. 

"Well if you were here last week you would be all caught up!" She said, signalling to him to take a seat.. NEXT TO ME? "After school detention. You'll be cleaning out my storage room." she said, then taking a look at me giggling at my phone. 

I'm usually switched on during history! Or for that matter, any class! But I felt bad about what happened early that I couldn't stop texting Nick. "Julie Molina! I expect better of you!" She said walking over, taking my phone. "You'll be joining him this evening."  She said. Even before she finished my heart sunk. This can't be happening. No way do I have detention! And with him?!

This can't be happening. I slide down in my chair overthinking, while Mr 'Too Cool For Anyone' is just leaning back into his chair! Probably thinking about the next prank he's gonna pull or what he's gonna do while skipping next class.  


Finally school is over. I can go home and relax- shit. I have detention. How am going to tell my father that I, 1. have after school detention AND 2. HAVE TO SPEND THE NEXT 4 HOURS WITH THE LUKE PATTERSON! 

I sigh and turn to Flynn who's patiently waiting for me. "I have detention.." I say looking down avoiding eye contact. "Jules! I'm the one who's supposed to get detention, not the other way around!" Flynn says, surprisingly in a tame tone. "I know I know, I just felt bad and Nick kept texting me so.." I say sighing. 

"Alright well I'll just tell your dad you're staying at mine, alright?" Flynn says, smiling a little then handing me my notebook. "Try writing at least a little bit today okay?" She says sighing then as I nod. I haven't written a single song since my mom died. It's hard. She was my motivator and now she's gone.

I make my way to the classroom with book in hand seeing Luke sitting on the table, picking at his guitar. He brings it everywhere, and I'm not even sure he's allowed to bring it to school. I sigh. "Bout time, Miss Erics left about 15 minutes ago." he says grinning. "I hope she doesn't honestly think we're cleaning out her entire storage room. It's a literal maze!" he says jumping down in front of me. 

"Well I am! I don't wanna be here as much as you do but I will be completing any task she's given us!" I say, putting my stuff down on the table and making my way to the storage room. He wasn't wrong. It is a literal maze. It looks like it goes on for hours! But it shouldn't be that hard.. right?


"NOPE NOPE NOPE!" I say running out. "What's wrong? What happened to 'completing any task she's given us'" He says, with a slight grin. My god does he get on my nerves! "I SWEAR I SAW RAT POOP IN THERE." I say frantically making my way over to the table with my book and phone. "Yeah? Why do you think I've been sitting here for the last 15 minutes?" He says chuckling. 

"YOU SON OF A-" I say, pushing his beanie down to cover his eyes. "I'm not talking to you for the rest of the time we have left in this prison." Maybe Nick was right. Maybe it is better to stay away from him. I keep consider the pros and cons as I sit in my seat opening my book. Five minutes later I'm still sitting there wobbling my pen. 

I have my face in my palms until I hear the piece of paper on the desk in front of me being snatched and someone sitting on the table. "Whatcha got here?" Luke says skimming through the lyrics scribbled on the piece of paper that was once infront of me. "Oh it's nothing just random lyrics that popped into my head during chem- WAIT" I say pausing my explanation to look up at Luke once again grinning. He knew what he just did and was proud of himself. GOD WHY IS HE SO ANNOYING! "Song you say?" Luke says, glancing up from the paper to look at me. "ITS NOTHING" I say as I snatch the paper from his loose grip. "Whatever you say Jules" He says very nonchalantly with his hands raised as if he were being questioned for a crime he didn't commit. Where did that come from? 'Jules' I think, looking up at him but decided to shrug it off instead.

"Soo, you coming to the party at Carrie's later?" I say trying to make small talk. "I don't think she likes me very much to invite me let alone my friends." He says looking at me as if he thought I were joking. "Come on, the whole school's invited plus it's a good way to make it look like you care about socialising with others." "But I don't!" He says standing up while chuckling. "Don't you have a band? Sunset Swerve or whatever it's called?" "SUNSET CURVE." I seem to have struck a nerve! "Alright alright, sunset cure!" I say defensively then stand up in front of him. "Why not! You could always promote your band to a bunch of drunk teens. I heard Tyler Jenkins' dad has a bunch of connections with some cool record labels!" "Fine. I'll think about it." He says, grabbing his bag then making his way over to the door.

"HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" I say while marching over to him. "Well if we're not getting any work done we're better off going home! And you seem like you'd need extra time to get ready for the party."




𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || JukeWhere stories live. Discover now