The Elric Siblings and the Homunculi!

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You and Your Best Friend Math continued to go through The Country of Arstemsis just to answer the letter about The government needing your help with Homunculi, so you were both now in A Village trying to find out Directions.

Math: Okay so this Road Goes North, but this one goes south, and... Did you have any ideas?

Y/n: Look the City is in the centermost part of the counter, I mean it's literally called Central city

Math: True, I think we need A Little help with Directions

Just then A Voice was heard down the Street, and it sounded Pissed about what Math Just said.


???2: Brother calm down, I'm not sure what they mean

???3: Come on Trying to Reason with Ed, is Like Trying to reason with A Chihuahua

???: Well I don't think- HEY THAT'S ANOTHER SHORT JOKE ISN'T IT!?

Y/n: Maybe we Can ask them

Math: Are you sure that's A Good Idea?

Y/n: You got any other Ideas?

Math: Touche

You both then ran over to see A Short guy trying to run over to you two with A Much Bigger guy Holding him Back, and A Girl trying to find A Wrench in her Bag.

These are of course The Elric Siblings.

Ed Elric, Alphonse Elric, and Winry Rockbell (Ed is A Master Alchemist who has A Real Napoleon complex because he never Drank his Milk and he's short as Hell/ Alphonse or Al for Short is his Taller Little brother Who is A Gentle Giant who never wa...

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Ed Elric, Alphonse Elric, and Winry Rockbell (Ed is A Master Alchemist who has A Real Napoleon complex because he never Drank his Milk and he's short as Hell/ Alphonse or Al for Short is his Taller Little brother Who is A Gentle Giant who never wants to Hurt A Soul/ And Winry is their Adoptive sister who Lost her parents at A Young age and she's Been An Inventer ever since pretty much makes all sorts of Mechanical Marvels)


Al: Ed stop it, You're going to get yourself Hurt

Winry: Oh He's about to get Hurt

Y/n: Hey do you see what I see?

Math: No What?

You then Began to Imagine Ed as Katsuki, Al as Izuku, and Winry as A Mix between Robin and Nami.

Y/n: Yep, Makes sense to me

Winry: Alright I got it!

Winry then slammed her wrench against Ed's head as he went down!

Winry: Heh, Sorry about our little brother


Y/n: Hey No Problem, You know I've dealt with A Lot Short tempered People



A/n: 0:11-End

Winry: In A Quick Summary, Yes, He's not exactly A Well-tempered Person

Math: Look we're trying to get to Central City. We got A Letter from the Armestis Milliary

Al: Oh we know them

Y/n: You do!?

Al: Yeah, we helped them out A Lot of times

Ed: Yeah they owe is Big time

Y/n: Oh Good, Maybe you can take us there

Winry: Actually, the Place is pretty far away and it's Getting dark, why don't you stay at our House

Y/n: Oh we hate to intrude

Winry: No it's Okay we don't Mind

Y/n: Well if you Insist

Math: Jesus Just make out already!

And then you and Winry then Blushed.

Meanwhile with Azad...

Azad: Alright all of you, I had found you all and you are all the Greatest Alchemists I can ever find, and Trust me If I could find better I could

Moria: Captian are you sure we should really trust them? They even Scare me

Azad: I know they can help us, They are the Seven Sins

Wrath: Look We both share A Common goal to destroy our enemies so that's the only reason why we are working with you

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Wrath: Look We both share A Common goal to destroy our enemies so that's the only reason why we are working with you

Azad: Oh yes, but if you ever Betray me I will annihilate you, and I'm starting with the fat One

Gluttony: Who is he talking about?

Lust: Seriously? You don't see it

Envy: Damn those Humans they have everything I don't!

Arlong: Ooh, I like him

Azad: Look you fool your Job is to help me get rid of A Certain Y/n L/n. That Dragon Hugger pisses me off to No end, and I shall end him by any means Necessary

Envy: ooh, I like him

Azad: Look I am your master, You are my servants. Go against me and I shall slaughter you all. Got it? Got it. Now let's start where the Real fun Begins

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