Battle against Apocalymon!/ Digital Confessions!

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You had all continued to run through the Digital world that has begun to Rebuild itself with new Data but now you all have to deal with the Big Boss which can only be more powerful than even ExoGrimmon!

But then You felt A Horrying Energy... As if A Billion souls are screaming all at once, and you immediately paled.

Joe: Y-Y/n is something wrong?

Y/n: I-I Sense something. Something so Horrifying... I think... No.

Tai: What?

Y/n: No! It can't be! It Just can't be!

???: HAHAHAHAHA! I am the Ultimate Evil! Complete with Hot and Cold Water!

Everyone then Paled as well.

Tai: No...

Just then An Apocalymon appeared, One of the evilest and most dangerous Digimon in all of the Digital Universe!

Just then An Apocalymon appeared, One of the evilest and most dangerous Digimon in all of the Digital Universe!

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Kari: No, It can't be!

Apocalymon then Began to dig his claws into his own shoulders and then Began slowly ripping it to shreds with Blood and flesh dripping down his arms, almost like A Red Rainfall!

Apocalymon: Why do you all Get to eat the Pizza? WHY DID YOU ALL GET TO EAT THE PIZZA, WHILE I EAT THE CRUST!?


Y/n: What are your Plans Apocalymon!?

Apocalymon: I shall Plung the world into Darkness, where I don't have to be lonely anymore!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait, why am I laughing? I'm Lonely!

Y/n: We Can stop you

Apocalymon: I highly doubt it without these!

He then pulled out all of your Digivices!

Joe: Oh No Our Digivices!

Sora: we can't Digivolve without those!

Apocalypmon: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Remember this to be A Lesson, always remember to keep your receipts! The warranty on these might still be good!

Y/n: I ain't letting you destroy those.

Apocalymon: Oh? And what are you going to do about it?


You then Began to Power up until everyone was coated by A Huge White Light, and soon A Brand new form was revealed!

You then Began to Power up until everyone was coated by A Huge White Light, and soon A Brand new form was revealed!

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Mystic 3

Takeru: Holy crap Look at that Hair

Mimi: Wow, Look at those Muscles~!

Sora: Oh I Know~!

You then threw your shirt off as the girls began to get starry-eyed and drool.

Joe: Y/n I think you're Misusing your powers

Y/n: I'm about to misuse My Powers upside your head!

You then Punched Apocalymon in the face before he could do anything before you then launched A Massive Blast!


Apocalymon: Oh Shit... OH SHIT!!

He then Got Blasted to Kingdom come while singing this song!

He then got Vaporized into Data, as you landed on the ground.

Y/n: Take... That... Whew, this form takes A Lot out of me...

You then fell down but everyone caught you as you passed out.


You woke up on the couch and you Looked around.

Kinue: Oh Honey your awake, Your old friends brought you here to make sure you were Okay

Y/n: Oh That's Good, Mom. Wait, why are you carrying A Cracker and Cheese Platter?

You then Noticed Mimi, Sora, Kari, and Mei were there Looking at you.

Girls: Hi Y/n!

Y/n: Oh Girls, why did you stay here?

Kari: Well, we have something to say

Y/n: Oh Boy here we go again

Sora: You see we wanna say-

Y/n: You all Love me right? Well Look as you all May Know I have A Harem, and Yes I love you all too so You can Join

Mimi/Sora/Kari/Mei: Yay!/ Awesome!/ Thank You Y/n!/ Chu!

Y/n: Awww, You're all some precious~!

Just then Math busted the door open and ran in!

Math: Y/n, Y/n, Y/n! Ladies. Y/n, I found this Digimon, and He's my Partner now!

BlackAgumon: Hey I'm the serious One

BlackAgumon: Hey I'm the serious One

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Black Agumon

Y/n/Girls: Well, Here we go again!

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