Azad's New Plan!

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We Open up with the Ryujin Death Crew as Azad has been brought back to Life and he had been trying to comprehend what happened with his Crew.

Azad: Caesar explained what Happened had, now.

Caesar: R-Right. You see When You Lost your Body due to the last fight you definitely Lost your Control control fruit Powers as it's now out there in the world, and The Beasts of Impel down had Left, and You still have your Water-Moon Dragon Slayer powers intact Plus android Biology.

Azad: Android Biology? Explain yourself, Clown.

Caesar: Well, you see You now have extremely powerful strength, speed, and Reflexes, and Now you have the addition of Absorbing energy. By Absorbing energy through the devices on your Palms, you can only get stronger, Faster, and Have better reflexes.

Azad: Amazing, Truly Amazing. Now Tell me, Are there any more Dragons out there? Did we kill any?

Caesar: Y-You're still on this?

Azad then wrapped his hand around his Throat and Began to suck the energy out of him as soon Caesar began to Lose the Life in his Eyes!

Caesar: A-ACK! AAAAGH!

Azad: Caesar the Clown? Caesar the mother fucking Clown? Why do you think I am so Hung up on this Whole Dragon thing? Let me tell you something. You're my #1 and I need you. You Much higher Than the Dragon slayers or anyone else on my Crew, and here is Why, Caesar. Dragons are A Bunch of Vile and evil Creatures who would Kill those who would stand in our way, but you have Built a Dragon, you know how A Dragon works, you are my perfect weapon against them. You A Mad genius who could compete with Vegapunk Himself, that is why Caesar.

He then dropped Caesar as the Clown was trying to regain his Bearings with the life returned to his eyes.

Caesar: Thank... Thank you, Sir...

Azad: With that Hole Shadow Dragon Incident it made me realize how dangerous they can truly be. Earth-shattering or galaxy shattering to be exact, and I simply need to get stronger

Caesar: And... How... Do you... Plan... On doing... That?

Azad: It's Easy my Friend, Because I have an Amazing Plan to eradicate all of those Filthy reptiles!

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