The Beginning of a Journey!/ Lillie and Nebbie!

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You had Officially begun your Alolan Journey along with Pikachu, Airalin, and Serene, and Now you had Begun to capture Some new Pokémon including some Regional Variants to add to your team!

You had Officially begun your Alolan Journey along with Pikachu, Airalin, and Serene, and Now you had Begun to capture Some new Pokémon including some Regional Variants to add to your team!

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Alolan Rattata

Alolan Rattata

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You had all continued on your journey as you were thinking about what to do.

Y/n: Okay so apparently, we have about 12 Challenges instead of the Usual 8. We have 8 Totem Bosses and 4 Kahuna's. This seems to be more difficult than I thought

Serene: I know we can do this!

Y/n: Heh, Thanks Serene. Now if we can find our way to-


Y/n: Welp, It's Hero time I suppose

You then ran off with the Pokémon trying to follow you and soon you had ended up at A Rickety Old Bridge with A Girl on the end and Something being attacked by some Spearow on the Bridge!

Y/n: Miss are you Okay? What's wrong?

Lillie: O-Oh I am so sorry, My Name is Lillie, and You need save Nebby

Lillie (A Mysterious Young woman coming from Nowhere/ She is Incredibly shy and Timid and is not very well versed in Pokémon Battling/ She is the Apprentice to the Professor as well)

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Lillie (A Mysterious Young woman coming from Nowhere/ She is Incredibly shy and Timid and is not very well versed in Pokémon Battling/ She is the Apprentice to the Professor as well)

Y/n: Nebby? What the Hell is A Nebby?

Lillie: That's Nebby!

She then Points at the Spearow at the Bridge, and she noticed that they were all attacking A Tiny ball of Gas and Dust, which was Known as Nebby.

She then Points at the Spearow at the Bridge, and she noticed that they were all attacking A Tiny ball of Gas and Dust, which was Known as Nebby

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Nebby (AKA Cosmog)

Y/n: Oh, I see, let me Handle this. Gum Gum Pistol!! And... Shotgun!!

You then sent A Bouncing fist flying everywhere slamming against the Spearow's as they soon went down, and they went flying squawking and screeching!

Y/n: Yeah, screw you too You Flying Rats!

Lillie: Wait, your Y/n L/n, aren't you?

Y/n: Hm? Well, yes, I am

Lillie: Well, I had heard so Much about you, especially from my Mother But... Never mind, Nebby get in the Bag

Nebby Instead was floating off before Lillie stuffed it into her Bag.

Y/n: Woah don't you have A Poke ball for that thing?

Lillie: Well, not really... Uh, Look I better go. Thank you for Helping

Lillie then ran off, Before the Pokémon had arrived.

Pikachu: Y/n what Happened? Who was that?

Y/n: One of the Most Moe girls I had ever met

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