My First Totem Pokémon!

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Soon Ilima had taken all 4 of you down route 2 and towards A Beautiful Cavern filled with Grass, Vines, and Mushrooms where you can find the 1st Totem Pokémon.

And you had caught all of these new Pokémon...

And you had caught all of these new Pokémon

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And you had evolved one of your Pokémon into this...

And you had evolved one of your Pokémon into this

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Alolan Persian

Soon You had all arrived at the totem Pokémon Lair with Ilia.

Ilia: Alright here is the Totem Pokémon's Lair. Now you can Grab the Z-Crystal here. You can use those to use Z-Moves which are far stronger than regular moves

Y/n: Hey Thanks, I'll go now

You then Began walking up to the Z-Crystal when...


Y/n: That... Can't be good...

Just then A Massive 7 Foot tall Gumshoos appeared and landed in front of you staring you down with its closed eyes.

Y/n: Oh... That's what Ilima meant...


Y/n: Airalin Now!

Airalin: Right!

Airalin then got in front of you as Totem Gumshoos then got A Buff in its Stats as it then summoned two Yungoos to help it out!

Y/n: Airalin use Psychic Terrian!

Airalin then used her Psychic Powers to create A Purple Terrian around all of you!

Serene: Wow!

Ilima: Very Impressive

Y/n: Now use expanding force!

Airalin Then unleashed A Psychic Blast that had doubled in Power Thanks to the Psychic Terrian and now Both Yungoos were knocked out, but the Gumshoos still stood!

Totem Gumshoos than Tried to Use Crunch but you had an idea!

Y/n: Airalin Use Mystical Fire!

Airalin: Right!

Airalin then created A Blast of Psychic fire that quickly burned Totem Gumshoos knocking it out!

Y/n: Yes! We won!

Just then Totem Gumshoos then got back up and walked back towards the Z-Crystal and Then walked back Giving it to you.

Y/n: Wow, Thanks

Totem Gumshoos then Nodded before it walked off deeper into the cave not to be seen.

Ilima: Nice Job Y/n, you had Passed your first Trial. Good Job

Y/n: Hell yes!! Kahuna of Melemele Island Here I come!

Pokémon: Yeah!

Ilia: Good Luck Y/n, you're going to need it

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