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I know.... I know
I said short stories today but I wanted to post this one.

And I apologize in advance for this chapter.
Hope you will still like it though.🙈

"I love you, Prachi..."

His voice resonated in the air as he said it as loud as he could.
He confessed to her everything that his heart said. And right now, he was waiting for her reply.
Did she love him too?

He held her by the waist tightly anticipating her answer.
But he got only silence in return.
Ranbir, nervously: "Say something... anything..."
He waited with bated breath and racing heartbeats, but once again he was engulfed by silence.

His forehead scrunched in confusion and he attempted to break the hug. He slightly moved back calling her name: "Prachi..."
But suddenly, he felt her body dropped to the floor. He quickly held her and worriedly looked on. He moved her so that she could face him and saw an unconscious Prachi in his arms.

He instantly grew worried and softly tapped her cheek.
But she was unresponsive.

He couldn't comprehend what happened as she was talking to him seconds ago but now...
Regaining his senses after a few minutes, he picked her up in bridal style and rushed to the elevator.

An impatient Ranbir tried to shake her in an attempt to wake her up as the elevator moved to the ground floor.

As soon as he came out of the elevator, their family members caught sight of Pranbir and worriedly approached them.
Pragya, worriedly: "What happened?"
Ranbir, panicking: "I don't know.... Hmm we were talking then suddenly... I don't..."

Vikram: "Aryan, get the car. I will call Arjun in the meantime."
Aryan followed his dad's orders and Ranbir placed Prachi in the car. He was besides her and trying to sprinkle some water on her.
Even Pragya tried but all their efforts were wasted.

Ranbir, worriedly: "Drive faster, Aryan..."
His brother did as said and they reached the hospital as quickly as possible. Arjun was already on stand-by and immediately tended to Prachi once she was brought in.

The doctors took her inside while everyone was asked to stay outside. Ranbir sat on the bench and his hands went to his face, covering it.
Aryan touched his shoulders reassuringly but Ranbir jolted.

Ranbir: "what has happened, Aryan? I was telling her that I love her and she fell unconscious, right there jn my arms..."
He turned teary eyed as he recalled how lifeless he felt her body. His heart sank for a second before he collected himself.

Aryan: "She will be okay... Arjun is checking her, right? Don't worry..."
Ranbir, teary-eyed: "I don't want to lose her, Aryan. Not now when I realised how much she mean to me."
Aryan: "You won't lose her... Have trust on your love. It will help her overcome every part of her disease."

Aryan's words calmed him a bit but his worries were still in tact. He will be fine only when he sees her with his own eyes.

After some minutes, Arjun came out of the ward and they sprinted towards him.
Ranbir, worriedly: "What's going on?"
Arjun looked on tensed and this was noticed by everyone there.

Ranbir, yelling at him: "Answer me, Arjun. What's wrong with her?"
Aryan prompted him to speak up.
Arjun: "Ranbir.... Her body is rejecting chemotherapy."

A sudden chill swept through Ranbir as if a cold wind cut through. He couldn't move and stood frozen staring at the doctor in front of him.
All his reasoning had left his body and only those words kept playing.

He took a step back, taking in a second to digest what has been said and turned to hide his teary eyes. But he saw how the other family members were also going under the same shock as him.
Seeing them, he knew he had to control his emotions and be tough one here.

Ranbir, avoiding eye-contact with Arjun: "Does that mean she is... hmmm... dying?"
They all looked on as the question was out.

Arjun avoided eye-contact with all of them and this was noticed by Ranbir.
Ranbir, angrily: "Answer me, God damn it..."
Aryan came to Ranbir and tried hugging him but Ranbir couldn't handle himself right now. He just needed the answer.

Ranbir: "Answer me, Arjun... is there any chance of her surviving this?"
Arjun, hesitatingly: "I can't say anything..."
Ranbir: "What do you mean?"
Arjun, with his head low: "I don't know..."
Ranbir, angrily: "How can you not know? You are the doctor here..."
Aryan backed him off seeing his riled state and helped him sit on a bench.

Arjun: "I need to carry out some tests to see what can be done.
Let her stay overnight. I will keep her in observation."
Vikram/Abhi nodded at him and he left to attend to Prachi.

Vikram came to Ranbir. He knelt in front of his son.
"You have to calm down. You can't go in front of Prachi like this. You need to calm down. Arjun will surely find another way. There are other treatments as well.
Most important thing you need to look after Prachi."

On hearing Prachi's name, he looked at his father and knew that he was right.
How was he going to break it to her?

His hands went across his face and he wiped his tears. He nodded at his father.
Ranbir, controlling himself: "You are right. I have to tell her... I have to be the one to tell her.
And I won't lose hope. There must be another way. She will survive this. She has to..."

Everyone nodded at him and calmed themselves down.
They had to be strong for Prachi... only for Prachi.

A nurse came out and told them that they could see her, but only one person was allowed.
They all signed Ranbir to go and he took some heavy steps.
His hands went to the door and he slowly opened it. On entering the ward, he looked at the sleeping figure of his wife. He approached her and sat on the chair. He once again turned teary eyes and he blocked his mouth to avoid the sobbing noise to be heard.

His fingers went to her hands and he entangled their fingers. This made Prachi stir.
Ranbir, wiping his tears on his sleeves: "hey...."
She opened her eyes and looked at him. A small smile appeared on her lips.
Prachi, weakly: "hey...."

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She whispered something inaudible. He leaned closer to her.
Prachi, repeating her words: "I am sorry..."
Ranbir, emotionally: "it's fine... just rest, okay..."

She lifted her hands and signed him to connect his fingers with her. He did.
Prachi, weakly: "it's confirmed, right?"
He looked at her confused and was about to question her but she spoke before that.

Prachi, with a low voice: "It's confirmed that I am dying, right?"
He was taken aback by her words and was out of word.
Prachi: "I heard the other doctor telling Arjun that chemotherapy isn't working..."

Ranbir, caressing her hair and cheek: "We will think of another way, okay? There must be something else. You just rest for now. We will see everything tomorrow."
She nodded and proceeded to close her eyes.

But she opened it immediately.
Prachi: "please don't go."
Ranbir: "I will never leave you. Let me just inform everyone outside and tell them to head home. I will stay here."
Prachi: "Tell them that I am okay... and not to worry much."
He nodded and came out. He informed the family members that she was okay. They all were a bit relieved but the threat still persisted.

They decided to call it a night and left everything for tomorrow.

This chapter is a bit short as I am very tired... I will compensate for the next one❤️❤️❤️

Don't forget to comment and vote❤️☺️

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