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The next morning,
Prachi was having breakfast while Ranbir was in the shower.
Arjun came to check on her and they chatted while she finished eating.

Prachi: "How long do you think that I will stay in the hospital?"
Arjun: "Normally 2-5 weeks... Why?"
Prachi: "Because I want to see London's style of New Year..."
He chuckled: "If you want, I can give you permission for that day.
And Kohli's do arrange a big barbecue. The entire family will be there..."

Prachi, excitedly: "Can you do that?"
He nodded yes.
"But with all necessary precautions..."
Prachi: "Yes, Doc..."
They ended up chuckling when Ranbir came out.
"What's going on?"

Arjun: "Your wife just requested her doctor something..."
Ranbir, sitting next to her: "And what's that something?"
Prachi: "I can go home for New Year..."
Ranbir looked at Arjun and the latter nodded but added: "with all precautions..."
Prachi, hopefully and excitedly: "We will go right? I want to spend New Year with everyone, please..."

Ranbir: "If Arjun says it's fine, then I guess yes... We are going home for New Year..."
Prachi, excitedly: "Yaay..."
But she ended up hissing as she brusquely lifted her left hands.
Ranbir: "Calm down, okay... otherwise we are staying here itself."
Prachi, childishly: "No, no... I will be careful... I promise..."

Before leaving, Arjun put another set of transfusion.
Ranbir had also grasped its context and would check time to time.

Ranbir: "Prachi, I will need to go to my office for a while. I have to give bonuses to the employees."
Prachi: "Yeah, sure, sure... Go..."
Ranbir: "Your parents will come soon, then I will leave."
She nodded and then hugged him.

Prachi, cutely: "I will miss you..."
He chuckled at her cute antics and smilingly replied: "I will miss you too..."

After Abhigya came, Ranbir had to leave and Prachi excitedly informed them that she will be home for New Year.
Pragya: "We have already prepared some gifts, but if you want, you can add some more."
Prachi was thoughtful about that. She didn't think about gifts. But Aryan and Ranbir had made her stay here memorable. She should gift them something in return.

Prachi: "Ranbir's laptop is there, I will order some, Maa."
Pragya: "I will wrap them up at night."
Her daughter nodded and did some online shopping.

Ranbir's side:
He was at his office trying to make things go quicker but this was something he had to check himself.

While having a meeting with his finance team, his phone began ringing: message after message...
He checked it and noticed the notifications about some purchases being made.
He recalled that this was the card he had given Prachi and smiled as she was finally using it.

He muted his phone and concentrated on his meeting.
He took hours before finishing all that had to be done and sighed seeing the time.

Vikram came into his office and proudly patted his shoulder.
Vikram: "Everything ok?"
Ranbir: "Yes, Dad... Prachi wants to come home for the holidays. Even if Arjun said yes, I am still worried. There is still risk for infections... I don't want anything wrong at this stage..."

Vikram: "I understand... but talk to Arjun... Discuss everything and if we need to do something at home to ensure her security, we will arrange it."
Ranbir nodded: "I will let you know..."

Vikram: "Of course, we will do everything for our daughter-in-law and my son's love..."
Ranbir smiled at his father.

Vikram, teasingly: "See I was right to insist you getting married to her..."
Ranbir, teasingly as well: "Well, it was Aryan's plan... so...."
Vikram, pretending to be shocked: "That little genius told you..."
Chuckling, his son nodded: "But I will forever be grateful to you all for planning all this..."
Vikram hugged him.

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