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90th part😳😱
Even I am surprised that it reached till this😂😂
Guess we are indeed heading towards a century 🙈
This would the first time ever. Even I can't believe it.

Two days went on with the same routine. The family members came several times to meet her during the visiting hours.
And two days went in a blink of an eye.

It was her last radiation therapy session this evening. As usual, Prachi stayed completely intact during the process as instructed.
Ranbir was watching her through the glass window. After this session, they had to wait 24 hours before doing the actual bone marrow transplant.

As the nurse brought Prachi out on a wheelchair, Dr. Max asked her to drop Prachi to her room and called Ranbir in his cabin.
Ranbir, knelt down in front of her: "Aryan and Arjun are upstairs... You stay with them, I will be back."
He was about to stand up but she caught his hand. She nodded no to him.

In the last couple of days, there had been a strange feeling in her... there was always someone who had stayed with her, so she was relieved but right now, the feeling had amplified. She didn't want to leave without him.
Ranbir: "I will be there in a jiffy. 10 minutes max... (Teasingly) You can count if you want..."
She chuckled at him and he leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

Ranbir, to the nurse: "Take her to my brother... and please be careful..."
The nurse nodded at him.

Ranbir went to Dr. Max's cabin and he was asked to sit.
Dr. Max: "Mr. Kohli, there are certain things I need to tell you before we do the transplant."
Ranbir nodded.
Dr. Max: "First, your wife's body is very weak, due to the cancer's effects but also the radiation. After the transplant, she will be more weak. I would ask for a total rest from your side."
Ranbir: "Yes, sure. There won't be any issue with that."

Dr. Max: "Prachi will have continuous check-up even after the transplant. Routine check-ups... Frequently in the beginning then we will see at which intervals it will be needed in future."
Ranbir nodded: he had read about the regular check up, and he agreed with that.
He knew that cancer could resurface. That's why they had to take the necessary precautions.

Dr. Max: "Arjun told me that you are newly wedded. I am not restraining you from sexual interactions but you will have to be careful.
Prachi wouldn't be able to take birth control pills, so it's on you to use protection. She cannot get pregnant for at least a year. That's the time that all drugs administered during chemotherapy would disappear."

Ranbir: "I understand. I will be careful with that."
Dr Max: "If you have no questions, then please sign the consent form for the transplant."
His eyes read the form quickly and it was like any other consent form.
He signed it and thanked Dr. Max.

He walked to the elevator and pressed the button to Prachi's floor. He looked at his watch and smiled as indeed he will be with her under 10 minutes like he promised her.
Seconds later, the elevator's door opened and he saw Aryan and Arjun outside her ward. He approached them.
Aryan: "Everything good?"
He nodded: "Nurse is helping Prachi to change inside?"
The two boys in front of him exchanged looks confused.

Arjun: "What do you mean? You always bring Prachi with you."
Ranbir: "Yeah but Dr. Max needed me to sign the consent form, so the nurse took her. Maybe she is inside and you guys didn't see her."
He went in worriedly followed by the other two but there was no-one there.

Aryan: "She isn't here..."
Ranbir, turning to Arjun: "Where is she?"
Arjun: "I will see upstairs... maybe the nurse stopped somewhere."
Ranbir followed Arjun and asked Aryan to stay in the room in case they come.
Aryan tried Prachi's phone but it rang in the room itself.
She couldn't bring her phone in radiation room...

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