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Autumn arrives and the leaves started changing colors and fall to the ground.

Ava was getting used to the campus and hanging out with jaewon more. Jimin gave up on trying to separate the two. They were just always bound to see eachother. He also gave up because he just needed to focus on his dancing for a recital coming up.

"Alot of students are going to be volunteering at the state fair."

One and Ava are studying in the library. "Your thinking about volunteering or something?" One asks.

"I dont know if ill be much help. I mean like what would i be doing?" She laughs alittle to herself but One doesn't find it funny.

"Students are only volunteering because they get free food and rides." He says.

"Now im really upset. Im a broke college student." Ava didn't really tell anyone her financial problems. The only one who knew about it was jimin of course. Thats one of the many reasons why they are roommates.

Avas mother offered to pay half the rent but jimin just refused. Jimins family wasn't rich but they were well off and stable.

"Maybe i could get a job..but jimins gonna argue with me about not needing to work."

She talked about getting a job but Jimin didn't want her to work. He knew how cruel people could.

"Does Jimin usually decide everything for you or something?" One didn't want to come off as rude but it was just a genuine question he wanted to know.

"Yeah. Its not as bad as it seems though. Hes just trying to look out for me."

One snorts at that. He can't believe she didn't see that he was keeping her hidden and in the dark.

"I think you should get a job. Your a smart girl. It feels good when you have your own trust me." He says.

"Thanks." She smiles.

One helps her study for a little while longer.

The sun is going down and students start to leave one by one.

"We could go to the Fair. You dont have to worry about paying for anything. I got it.I mean its up to you." One says as they are getting up to leave.

Ava ponders on it for a moment. Was this a date? Thinking of it that way kind of made her nervous.

"I'll think on it. I dont do well in big crowds of people."

"I understand. Lets get you home before jimin goes into cardiac arrest." He chuckles.

They head out to the parking lot. "I told him i would be studying today with you."

"Yeah, even worse ." He opens the door for her.

She stops before getting in. "Your right." They both laugh and she gets in.

"I think he still might be practicing. Hes been coming home late. He puts too much stress on himself when he has to perform."

"Agreed. Hes an asshole so i try not to be around him." He says pulling out the parking lot.


                                   • • •

After One drops ava off at home he heads downtown. Jay was hosting at a night club and asked him to swing by for a few.

Entering the club strobe lights dance around the room and he's engulfed in the scent of musk and alcohol and heated bodies swarm him. The atmosphere is suffocating but no one seems to care as they are dancing and drinking.

One makes his way to jays' section. He catches sight of some pills in a clear bag on the table.

It was no secret alot of college kids were popping pills and doing party drugs.

"Wassup man!" Jay daps him up. He's clearly cross faded.

Jay introduced him to a couple people. He said it was good to have connections. And all three of the boys had many connections after entering college.

One only had a drink. He didn't plan on staying for long but he wanted to make sure jay got home safe.

"Dont worry about him. I'll get him home tonight. I  already knew he would get this fucked up." Nari says. Shes jays' step sister.

Nari doesn't go to college with them but she lives and works in the same city as them. She was ten when her mother married jays' father. So One and her were very close considering both the mothers were like best friends. She was there for him too when his mother passed. It hit both families pretty hard.

"Thanks Nana. Call me if anything."

She nods and One proceeds to leave the section. Making his way outside he checks his phone and has a missed call from his father.

He calls him back when he gets to his car.

"I have a dinner party coming up for the company." He already knew he would have to attend.

"Be on time and put a smile on your face." He was sharp with every sentence. There was never no, hey son how's college going? Or any check ups.

His father was a very strict man. He never knew what his mother seen in him. She would always tell her son that he was a good hard working man but never anything about love. He knew she fell out of love with him a long time ago.

He was dedicated to his company and wanted jaewon to become his heir. But One didn't want that. He didn't want to sit behind a desk the rest of his life. He wanted to do what he loved.

Eventually his father gave up and put his brother next in line. One was a wild child that couldn't be controlled. His mother would always say that. She let him just be him.

"Yes,sir." With that the phone clicks out.

He sighs heavily getting in his car and runs his fingers through his hair.

Ava | PJM•JAEWONWhere stories live. Discover now