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The rest of the day ava spent replanting. She loved that her apartment had a backyard patio. Jimin hardly used it so he just let her grow her plants and re-design it to her liking.

She was kind of surprised that One had text her. The only people that she talked on the phone with were either jimin or her parents so it felt nice that it was someone besides them.

Soon it started to drizzle so she went inside and decided on a book to keep her occupied until jimin came home. Growing up and not having really any friends and being the only child she learned how to keep herself company and grow comfortable with the silence it brought. It did bother her sometimes but jimin would always fill that void.

She lay wrapped up in her blanket on the living room couch listening to her audiobook. As the time went on she noticed how jimin still wasnt home. It had got late now. When One dropped ava off she had called jimin and he said he would be home before she knew it but hours gone by now.

Ava hadnt ate since earlier. She always had a tough time cooking so she would rely on the simple things. Such as fruits,ceral, sandwiches etc. Back home her mother used to do all the cooking and ava would help her in the kitchen.

One time ava tried to surprise her parents for their anniversary and make cookies but it resulted to the fire department showing up. Luckily the house didn't burn down and ava wasnt hurt. From that point on she didn't bother going anywhere near ovens or stove tops. She hated relying on the microwaves though because it was bad for the body.

She did eat alot of vegetarian food but she wasnt vegan. Once in a while she would eat meat and other non vegan foods. She always had a good diet and knew how to balance everything.

As her stomach growled and churned she got up and fixed a bowl of cereal. As she ate she heard the locks turn on the front door of the apartment indicating jimin was home.

" sorry im so late." He opened his bedroom door tossing his bag in the room and closing it back.

"Dont apologize it's okay. Want some cereal?" She asked.

"Yeah,sure. I should've stopped for some food." He said taking a seat.

Ava didnt miss the smell of perfume on him. It was strong. She already knew jimin was out being jimin.

She fixed him a bowl of cereal. "Thank you." He said and began eating.

" What you been up to?" He asked.

"Nothing just remodeling the back patio." Ava went back to eating her cereal.

"Imma check it out later." They sat in a comfortable silence as they ate. Jimin scrolled through his phone.

"So, how do you feel with having One as a partner for class?" He asked suddenly.

Ava thought about it for a while. "Hmm. Well I barely know him but so far hes a nice guy." She smiles softly at just the thought of him. Jimin sees it.

" You barely talked about your friends though before I started here ." She also added.

"Uh yeah. I just thought you wouldnt be interested. Not really your type of guys."

" understandable but dont you think i should get along with them since they are close to you. We are close." Ava did have a point. It was already hard for her to make friends.

"Youll make new friends here im sure. Its way different from high school. More people to mingle with and different crowd just isn't really exactly for you.."

"But you did take me to that party."

"Well you got a point but still what im trying to say is my circle isnt particularly one id see you in."

Ava felt offended and kinda hurt. " well im friends with you...and ive never had friends before how would i know..."

Jimin realized what he said had upset ava making him quickly apologize. "Damn,im sorry ava."

"No I understand. I should be friends with people who share the same interest as me."

"Yes! Exactly." He nodded his head agreeing.


Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh?"

"We share the same interests. Well as far as i know...we both like art."

"You were just saying you barely know him."

"I know but thats what i know so far. Should we not be friends?"

Jimin looked at ava. She was so pure and innocent.

"Yes you can be friends with whomever you want. You dont need my permission." Jimin got up kissing her head softly and collected their dishes to wash.

"Ive kind of been getting this feeling ever since earlier that you dont want us to be friends.." ava played with her fingers out of habit.

"Just drop it please ava. I've already said you can be friends with whoever you please." Jimin washed the dishes getting kind of frustrated with the conversation.

" going to take a shower." Ava said in a small voice getting up and going to her room shutting the door.

She sniffled alittle. Jimin had clearly hurt her feelings tonight. She hated how easily she got emotional.

Before the night was over there was a small knock at her door.

She turned around in bed facing the wall.

"Come in."

"Did you take your medications?" Jimin asked standing at the doorway. It was a routine that he checked to see if she did.


Jimin hesitated in the door for a while.

"Okay, ill see you in the morning. Goodnight." He shut the door leaving her to her own silence again.

Ava wasnt mad at him she was upset with herself mainly. She just wanted to be like everyone else.

 She just wanted to be like everyone else

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~ A/N: please vote!!!🤎

Ava | PJM•JAEWONWhere stories live. Discover now