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"Jisung, wake up." Minho had stuck his upper body into Jisung's tent and was attempting to shake him awake.

Jisung was startled by this when he woke up and quickly jumped up, making their foreheads collide.

Minho jumped back, rubbing his head. "...ouch."

Jisung quickly sat up and reached out to Minho to touch his forehead where they had struck each other. "I'm sorry, you scared me!"

He shook his head and pushed Jisung's hands away from his face. "It's okay, it won't kill me."

Minho stood back up now that Jisung was awake, and walked back to his own sleeping place. He rolled up his bed and tied the string around it that held it together. He went back to his nameless horse, where he'd secure the roll back onto the tack.

By the time he was done, Jisung had curled back up in his blanket to go back to sleep. Minho turned around to find him, and rolled his eyes. He couldn't deny that he looked quite peaceful, and cute, with his cheeks all puffed out and mouth slightly hung open. He would've loved to give him more time to sleep, but he needed to wake him up. They didn't have time to waste.

"Jisung, you need to get up!" He yelled as he walked back over to his tent.

The tired man let out a frustrated groan. He was already tired of travelling and wanted to get more sleep, but he eventually did sit up.

Minho watched him. "There you go, good job." He mockingly praised.

Jisung ignored Minho and finally crawled out of his tent to pack up his belongings. Minho helped him take the small tent down and roll it back up tightly.

It wasn't long before they were both prepared to leave. They mounted their horses once again, and Minho lead them back to the trail.

"We should make it to Bucheon by the end of the day. We'll go through a village there that has an inn...We can stay there for the night if you're willing to pay for it." Minho said as they walked over the bridge.

Jisung nodded. "That's fine, I can pay..." he said.

A moment of silence fell between them, but Jisung eventually broke it " do you know this area so well?" He asked.

"I've been traveling since I left my father's place..." He paused, "I've been back a forth between Incheon and Bucheon countless times. I've been to the entrance of Gimpo, so I know how to get there."

"That's cool!" Jisung exclaimed. He had been stuck in the walls of the kingdom for most of his life, so hearing about someone that's been able to live freely was intriguing.

"Have you ever fought a dragon before then? Is that why you went to Gimpo?" He asked with excitement.

"Well I have, but.."

Jisung cut him off, "You know, in Incheon you get a reward for every dragon you slay. When we get back you should talk to my father. Oh! Maybe you could work for him!" He rambled on.

Minho hummed. "Maybe..."

Jisung sat with a smile on his face. He was beginning to feel more comfortable with the other guy, and his wariness of Minho's possible ill intentions had begun to fade. The idea of him being a friend for longer than this mission sounded nice.

He was glad that he wasn't doing this alone.


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