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The sun hung low in the sky as Minho and Jisung continued their journey towards Gimpo. They still continued down the unmarked path winding through fields and forests.

"Think we'll find a good spot to camp soon?" Jisung asked, eager to get some more food in his stomach.

Minho nodded. "Yeah, we should be able to find a spot down here, near the river."

They continued down the path until Minho could spot a small clearing along the riverside. "There looks good, yeah?" He asked, pointing to the clearing ahead.

Jisung smiled, agreeing. They dismounted once they got there, and began to set up camp as they did previously, time and time again. Minho gathered wood to make a fire, whilst Jisung set up his tent and bedding.

Jisung was beginning to enjoy being out in the wilderness again, even if that was surprising for a Prince, who only a week ago would've complained about a bug in his room at night.

Their situation wasn't ideal, but there was something serine in it just being the two of them out in nature. The sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, birds calling, and the flowing of water brought a sense ease, and freedom.

With the campfire finally ablaze, they close to the fire. They sat side by side this time, savoring a simple meal of bread and dried fruits.

"I'm sorry," Jisung said suddenly.

Minho looked at him, confusion painted in his face. "For what? Are you okay?" He asked, concern in his tone.

"I just...I'm sorry that my grandfather did that to all of you..." The Prince said, looking down in his lap where he anxiously played with his fingers.

"It's not your fault, remember?" Minho said.

He appreciated that Jisung cared. It was clear that his heart was in the right place, but he didn't need to feel guilty. After all, he had no control over the spell, he was a victim to it too. Minho didn't blame him, and neither would any of the other dragons.

When Jisung didn't respond, he gently placed his hand on his knee. "It's okay, Ji...I promise."

Jisung looked over at Minho, a glimmer of something else in his eyes. "Ji...?"

Minho pulled his hand away, and his face grew warm. He hadn't thought before speaking, and realised that it was probably weird to use a nickname  for him. He was a Prince after all, used to honorifics.

"Oh, shit...sorry.." Minho stumbled on his words a bit.

Jisung smiled, shaking his head. "No, I like it...that's what my mom calls me.." he said, reminiscing.

Minho sighed in relief. "Okay..." he paused, "..Ji." He repeated the nickname. It was simple, but he liked it too.

Jisung leaned back, using his arms to prop himself up. "What was your mom like?" He asked.

Minho's expression softened as he thought about his mother. "She was strong...and a bit stubborn," he chuckled. "She loved teaching and telling stories.... She shared a heart with a human herself, and they separated during the war, so it was something close to her..."

Jisung listened attentively, a warmth spreading through him at Minho's words. It was a rare side of Minho, a glimpse into who he was beyond the walls he put up.

"I...I miss her a lot," he said. He held it in, but Jisung caught a glimpse of his voice breaking.

"I wish I could've met her," Jisung said softly.

Minho smiled, "me too."

Another moment of silence fell over them. They watched the flames of the fire, and occasionally took glances up at the stars in the sky.

It was getting cold again that night, and it wasn't long before Minho caught Jisung yawning. They migrated to Jisung's tent, letting the fire burn out on its own. The tent was small, but they would make it work.

They lay side by side, on their backs. Jisung began to shiver, and as he shifted to try to cover snuggle further into the blanket, he brushed against Minho's arm. His skin was cold too.

Jisung stopped and gently nudged him. "Minho?"

He got a tired groan in response, "Hmm?"

"Can we- you know...like last night..." He asked, biting his lip as he waited for a response.

Minho smiled, which wouldn't have been seen in the darkness of the tent. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer. This time, he rested his head on Jisung's chest.

Jisung returned the hug, and both of their shivering and goosebumps began to ease as their bodies warmed each other's.

Before they fell asleep, Jisung spoke once again. "Minho?"


He had been thinking about some of the conversation that they'd had earlier while they say around the fire. "Do you have a nickname?"

Minho smiled again as his face was pressed against Jisung's chest, which rose and fell slowly as he breathed. "Not really.."

"Min?" Jisung asked. "Ho? no, probably not that one...Minnie?"

Cute. Minho thought.

"Call me what you want," He replied.

Jisung could hear in his voice that he was close to falling asleep, so he eased on the talking.

He ran his fingers through Minho's hair a couple times. "Good night, Min," he whispered.

"Night, Ji," Minho mumbled.

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