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The doors creaked shut behind them as they left the barn. The morning air carried the scent of pine and damp earth as Minho and Jisung walked toward Hypatia's house.

Hypatia welcomed them with a friendly smile as they entered her home. The scent of fresh herbs and a freshly cooked food filled the home. The old wooden table was already set for the three of them.

"Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?" Hypatia asked.

Minho nodded, glancing at Jisung, who also agreed. They took their seats, and Hypatia served them plates filled with a breakfast of eggs, vegetables, and freshly baked bread.

"I hope your appetite is back. You need to fill up as much as you can before you leave again." She said.

"Yeah, I feel better now. Thank you." Jisung said, eager to dig into the food.

As they ate, a comfortable silence enveloped the room, broken only by the occasional sounds of forks against plates and the subtle crackling of the fireplace. Jisung stole glances at Minho between bites.

Hypatia leaned back in her chair once she finished. "Do you understand what happened yesterday, Jisung?"

Jisung replied after he took a sip of water. "Oh, um..I think so...they were flashbacks, or something..."

He went on to describe the images he saw of his grandfather arguing with the dragon, the deal made with the dark mage, and the moment he was bonded to Minho.

"It's all true then?" He asked.

Hypatia nodded and leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. "Yes, it's all true, Jisung."

"Luminara Glacium...that's what I put in your drink. It's a crystal," she said.

Dragons have always had a connection to magic, crystals being an essential component in that connection.

"Each crystal has its own power.."

Each type of crystal had it's own connection to the magical and spiritual realms. The crystals that Hypatia had crushed into the drink, Luminara Glacium, when consumed may reveal secrets of the past or the future to those worthy. It is a rare and valuable mineral, only found in few caves, and sparingly used by Druids in the past.

Jisung was trying to process this information, the gravity of his newfound understanding of the past still settling in. He traced the rim of his empty plate with his fork, as he was lost in thought. Minho remained quiet as well, knowing that Jisung would need time.

"And what about my mother?" Jisung asked, a glimpse of grief in his eyes, "It didn't show me where she is...or if she's alive.."

Hypatia's eyes remained gentle, understanding the weight that her disappearance put on his heart. "Unfortunately, I can't say that I know where your mother is...the crystals show you what they see that you need to know."

Jisung was visibly disappointed and upset by this, so she reached across the table to place her hand on his. "I know what you're thinking, but this doesn't mean her story is over, Jisung...it just means you're meant to discover it on your own."

Hypatia's words offered Jisung a sense of hope, something that had been broken down over lately. He knew that she was wise, and her connection to the magic and history of their world was deep.

The elderly woman gathered the empty plates and used silverware as their in-depth conversation came to an end.

"Are you two spending another night?" She asked.

Minho looked over at Jisung, looking for his input first. When he nodded, a smile grew on his face. "Yes, we're enjoying it here," Minho said.

This sentiment warmed her heart. She was saddened that they couldn't stay longer, and that they were there under somber circumstances, but she was also happy to provide them with well-needed support.

"I'm glad. Rest up today, take care of yourselves...you have free reign to the pantry, shower is outside, I have plenty of books and scrolls if you'd like to take a look at them.."

"You have running water?" Jisung asked, his eyes lighting up.

Minho smiled and nodded. "Should we go?"

Jisung jumped back to life, standing up from the chair and grabbing onto Minho's hand, "Yes."

"Thank you!" Jisung called to Hypatia as he rushed them out the door.


"It's warm too, oh my god!" Jisung said once the water hit his skin.

His reaction instigated a laugh out of Minho, who stood beside him. "Yes, it is," he said, turning the second nozzle to get his own stream of water.

Both men revelled in the opportunity to take a proper shower, and Minho found himself taking joy out of that sparkle in Jisung's eyes. This wasn't a side of him that he'd been able to see much of before, and he hoped to see much more of it.

"How's your back doing?" Minho asked, after the initial moment of bliss had faded.

"It's still a bit sore," Jisung said.

"Let me see."

Jisung wasn't used to showering alongside other people like Minho was, so he still felt embarrassed as he turned around so the other could see his back. The dark bruises did look bad, but that was just part of the healing process. He'd be fine.

"What about you?" Jisung asked, remembering his injury from the dragon-slayers, along with the one he had wrapped up before then.

Minho sighed. "I'm okay, but...um- there's something else I wasn't honest about...I'm sorry."

Jisung had been avoiding looking at Minho since they undressed, to spare himself from the awkwardness. In doing so, he missed the three small patches of blue scales on his torso; one on his side, mostly hidden by his arm, one on his lower back, and the last on his abdomen. The bandages had actually been for covering them up.

"Can I...touch them?" Jisung asked after they were brought to his attention.

Minho chuckled, but nodded, "go ahead."

He reached his hand out to touch him, finding that they were hard and sharp around the edges. It wasn't very pleasant to touch, but he kept his hand on him as his eyes began to wander.

Aside from the scaly patches, he had a great physique. His muscles were toned, more than his own, and the water running down his body gave it a kind of glow.

He tried to keep his eyes away from going any lower than his hips, and he was interrupted before they had the chance anyway.

"Hey, my eyes are up here you know." Minho said, startling Jisung, naming him pull his hand away.

"I- shit, that's not what I meant!" Jisung's face heated up as he slightly panicked.

Minho let out another laugh. "It's okay, Jisung. Enjoy the view all you want, I don't mind," he teased.


Late update, I forgot 😭

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