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Minho was still unsettled by the idea of going to the Varentawa cave. He knew that those deemed unworthy wouldn't leave. He'd heard too many stories of dragons never returning from the cave.

He couldn't help but imagine Jisung in the cave, trapped, scared, dying. He didn't want to risk it. Not only because he didn't want to die himself, but something within him couldn't bare the idea of Jisung being harmed too.

But Jisung seemed to have his mind made up already.

Chan placed a mug on the table in front of Minho, which snapped him out of his thoughts. "Here you go," the Druid said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, thanks Chan..." Minho said and forced a small smile back.

As Chan busied himself in the small kitchen, preparing food for them, Jisung couldn't help but admire the ease with which the Druid navigated his cozy home. The atmosphere shifted as Chan cooked, filling the room with the enticing aroma of spices and roasted meat.

Chan served them, having had used more of the deer meat with a side of vegetables. "I hope you enjoy it. It's not often I get guests here."

Jisung took a bite and let out a moan, enjoying the food. "This is amazing, Chan. Thank you."

Minho nodded in agreement, though his mind was still occupied by the troubling thoughts of Varentawa and the potential dangers that awaited them.

Chan smiled, his face lighting up from the compliments. "It's my pleasure."

The three of them continued to eat, and Chan began to lead conversation between them. They talked about music, favorite books, and shared some embarrassing stories. Despite having differing social statuses, Jisung and Chan had a lot in common. Minho, unable to relate to the human experience that they shared, only pitched in a couple sentences, almost feeling like an outsider in the conversation.

Eventually, Chan suggested drying some of the deer meat to ensure it wouldn't spoil, so they could eat it for a couple more days. The three of them worked together, hanging strips of meat to dry near the fireplace. Jisung and Chan, in particular, seemed to work seamlessly, their laughter echoing through the small cottage.

Minho's unease grew, and he found himself becoming increasingly irritable. He couldn't pinpoint the source of his discomfort, but the laughter and friendliness between Jisung and Chan grated on him.

Eventually, Minho excused himself. "I think I'm going to bed now," he said, avoiding eye contact with either of them.

Jisung glanced at him with concern. "Are you okay, Min?"

"I'm just tired," Minho replied, forcing another smile. "Enjoy the night. I'll see you in the morning."

Jisung could tell that there was something wrong, but he didn't pry. He assumed that Minho didn't want to get into it with Chan around, so he'd ask about it later.

"Oh, okay...good night, Min," Jisung said.

Minho made his way to the second floor of Chan's home, where he had two extra bedrooms. He walked into the room that he'd already put his belongings in earlier, closing the door behind him.

He striped down to his underwear to sleep, and settled in the bed under the thick blanket that Chan had given him.

He tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep from his the unfamiliar emotions that plagued his mind. He couldn't quite understand why seeing Jisung and Chan getting along so well bothered him. It was a feeling he rarely experienced, and it unsettled him.

Minho's jaw clenched as Jisung's laughter resonated from downstairs. He couldn't escape the vivid scenarios his imagination painted of them. He felt a tightness in his chest as he saw images of them smiling and laughing together on the couch, Chan's hand grazing over Jisung's leg.

Fuck. Why was he feeling this way? This wasn't like him at all.

Chan and Jisung were his friends, and the two had only just met. There's no reason for him to be worrying about how they spend time together.

Chan wouldn't try to do anything to Jisung. The Druid wouldn't hurt anyone.

Or would he?

No, he wouldn't, he's not that kind of guy.

Jisung wouldn't do anything with a stranger anyway.

Or would he?

No, he's a Prince, of course he wouldn't.

...or would he?

Minho went back and forth in his head.

"Oh my god, shut up," he groaned to himself, upset that he was letting these thoughts consume him.

They were irrational, he knew that. He didn't even know if Jisung was into men, women, or both, or even neither. He was a Prince, he probably already had a royal member of one of the other Kingdoms set up to marry. Or maybe he even had a secret lover back in Incheon. Maybe that ring that he always had hanging from his neck belonged to them.

He didn't know, they'd never discussed significant others. He didn't know why, but that revelation just made him feel even worse.

He lost track of time as he sat in the dark room, brain running wild. It went on long enough that his exhaustion finally consumed him, and he fell asleep.

Minho woke up again during the night to the sound of the bedroom door creaking open. It startled him, and he quickly turned to look at what it was.

A figure stood in the doorway. It was too dark for him to clearly see who it was.

"Minho, are you awake?"

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