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"How are you feeling, Jisung?" Hypatia asked.

On top of the dazed and tired state that the drink left him in, his brain was all over the place. Coming to the revelation that you've been lied to and manipulated your whole life is a lot to take in already. Let alone when the person behind it was supposed to be the person that protected you.

"I..I don't know..." Jisung mumbled.

Minho placed his hand on his forehead to check for a high temperature. "He doesn't have a fever," He said.

Hypatia nodded. "It's a lot to take in, honey."

"Why don't you two call it a night? It's been a long day, and he needs rest...you both need rest," She said. "Your bed is still in the loft, you can sleep there...my couch isn't comfortable enough for sleep."

Minho hummed in agreement. "Does that sound okay, Jisung?" He asked.

Jisung nodded. He really could've fallen asleep right there, but he didn't want to take her bed. He began to sit up, and Minho stopped him.

"I got you," He said, and leaned down to place his right arm under Jisung's back, and the left under his knees.

He lifted Jisung up, which proved to be easier than he thought. Minho wasn't nearly as strong as a human than he was as a dragon, but he was able to pick him up with ease.

Jisung was awake, but he stayed quite while Minho carried him out of the house.

"Just let me know if you two need anything during the night, don't hesitate to wake me up!" Hypatia called to them as they left.

Minho carried the younger man the to the barn. Luckily, the loft had stairs instead of a ladder, so he was able to get him up to the bed without incident.

"I'm going to get some more blankets, I'll be right back." He said after he gently placed him down on the bed.

When Minho returned to the loft, Jisung was already fast asleep. He slept with his mouth slightly hung open and one of his puffy cheeks pressed against the pillow. The sight put a smile on his face.

He knew that it could get pretty cold at night in there, so he made sure to cover Jisung with the thickest of the blankets that he had.

As the night went on, Minho stayed awake for a while, sitting on a chair near the window. He admired the stars through the window, periodically glancing at Jisung to make sure he was still doing well.

Minho's couldn't shake the guilt that lingered from the lies he had told. Jisung's vulnerability, lying there unconscious, magnified the weight of the truth that had been hidden from him for so long.

Quiet footsteps approached the barn, and Hypatia appeared in the doorway. She carried a small tray with two steaming mugs. One glance at Minho told her that he needed the warmth they could offer.

"Thought you could use some tea," Hypatia whispered, placing the tray on the small table beside him. Minho flashed a small smile and nodded.

Hypatia joined him by the window, her eyes following his to where Jisung slept. "He's been through quite a lot," she said softly.

Minho sighed, "I never meant for any of this to happen. I just wanted to be with him, like we should've been from the start."

Hypatia's eyes bore into his. "Sometimes, our desires becomes a cage. The truth, though painful, sets free."

He knew that she was right, and he knew that their situation was more complicated. The adversity in Jisung's life went beyond Minho's lies, far beyond his control, but he still couldn't help but feel the weight on his shoulders.

"He'll need time to come to terms with it all. You both will," Hypatia said.

Her gaze returning to the man unconscious on the bed, a smile creeping up on her face. "You have work to do, but you'll come through stronger. I can feel that there's more for you two."

The two drank their tea in silence, taking in the night air and unspoken understanding between them.

Hypatia stood up and collected the mugs and the tray after the tea was gone. "I know you're worried about him, but he'll be okay...get some rest."

Minho nodded and stood up. "Good night," he said, watching as she walked back down the creaky stairs and out the barn doors.

He shuffled over to the bed, being careful to not wake Jisung up when he settled in beside him. He worried that it'd take him a while to fall asleep, but how tired he was struck him. The sound of Jisung's steady breaths beside him relaxed him enough to give in, and he drifted off.

Minho woke when morning light began to filter through the cracks in the wooden planks that held the barn together. He yawned, and reached his arms above his head to stretch them.

"Minho, are you awake?" He heard Jisung say, his voice raspy from sleep.

"Oh, did I wake you up? I'm sorry..." Minho said as Jisung rolled over to look at him.

The prince shook his head, "no no, I've been awake for a couple minutes...waiting for you to wake up too."

"Oh, okay...are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" Minho asked, ready to get up and get whatever her request from him.

"I feel better, like normal now...I just, wanted to talk to you," Jisung sat up and repositioned himself so his back was resting against the wall.

Minho couldn't help but worry that he was going to say that he was done, but he sat up as well. "What is it?"

Jisung took a deep breath before he spoke, "I...I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. You shouldn't have had to hide yourself from me..."

Minho let out a relieved sigh and smiled. "It's okay, Jisung. It's not your fault."

Jisung shook his head. "I know, but I just should've known better than to judge you like that..."

Minho placed his hand on the Jisung's forearm. "I lied to you, you have every right to not trust me...it's okay."

"I trust you," he said.

Minho gently rubbed circles into his arm with thumb, "I know."

They both sat in silence for a moment, taking in the fact that they were finally both on the same page. However, that silence was interrupted by the growling of Jisung's stomach, which made them both laugh.

Minho stood up from the bed, "let's go see what she has for breakfast."

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