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The subtle clanking and squeaking of the horse's tack accompanied the rustling leaves in the forest, as Changbin rode along the dirt trail. The forest was quiet and serene, but the same couldn't be said for the restlessness that plagued Changbin's mind.

The knight had been searching for the prince, for a couple days now. He'd found no physical signs of him within Incheon and the surrounding countryside, and that prompted him to expand his search to outside of the kingdom's territories.

He followed the main roads towards their neighboring kingdom, Bucheon, being sure to conceal his identity as a knight as he traveled. The possibility of being targeted was unlikely, but to prevent any potential conflict, it was safest to do so.

Changbin rode his horse through the surrounding forests and clearings, before he finally reached the village at epicentre of the kingdom.

The stone streets were bustling with people, horses, and the other farm animals. It was mid-day, the busiest time for the market. This was ideal for someone that wanted to blend in, but it also meant that if Jisung were here, he'd be harder to spot.

He didn't think that the prince would be there, but he needed to be sure anyway. Jisung needed to come home. Not only to ease Changbin's worry for his friend, but to help manage the kingdom alongside his father now that his mother was gone.

As far as Changbin knew, they were on the brink of another war with the dragons, and Jisung needed to be home when it began.

Changbin dismounted his horse, taking ahold of the lead so he could walk him through the crowd on foot. His eyes scanned the crowded marketplace, searching the faces of the townsfolk, and for any other signs that Jisung may have been there.

He had a small portrait of Jisung in his saddlebag, something Jisung and his family were able to afford to have done often because of their status. However, the knight contemplated getting it out to ask if people had seen him.

Ordinary townsfolk likely wouldn't recognise him. He was a prince, sure, but not many travelled enough to recognise the royal families of other kingdoms. Though, if they did, he may be risking Jisung's safety, and leaking the the Prince of Incheon was missing.

It was risky, but a risk that he may have to take if his search doesn't move along.

Hours went by, and Changbin had made no progress whatsoever. He knew he couldn't just wander around the Bucheon town forever, and he had to come to terms with the idea that he should keep moving on.

With a heavy sigh, Changbin mad the decision to make his way out of the market, abandoning the search in the town. He mounted his horse once again, now that his path was more clear of people, riding along the stone streets.

The man cooed his horse to a halt once he came across a small two-story inn on the outskirts of the town. It wasn't anything fancy, but that also meant he'd likely be able to afford it if he wanted to stop for the night. Which he decided to do, considering that the sky was already started to grow darker.

Luckily for him, there were a few rooms left. After putting his horse in the stable and grabbing his most important belongings, he went in to pay and get the key.

The man behind the counter handed him the key on the loop, and pointed him to go up the stairs to the room.

Changbin lingered for a moment and sighed after he took the key. "Sir...can I ask you something?" He asked.

"What is it, kid?" The man responded.

Changbin seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he reached into his pocket to grab the photo of Jisung. "Have you...seen this man over the past couple weeks?"

The man leaned forward, squinting his eyes as he looked at the photo. " a hit out on him?"

The knight's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. "No, no! He's my friend."

The inn keeper looked at him, as if he were a bit suspicious still, but he then nodded. "Mm, yeah...I seen him. Him and his buddy came and got a room...about two weeks back."

Changbin felt a sense of relief rush over him, finally getting some kind of lead. But, as what the man had said set in, he couldn't help but grow worried again. Jisung was with someone else?

"Did you see where he went?"

"Afraid not, kid."

Changbin sighed, but he knew he probably couldn't get much more out of the guy. He mumbled a "thank you," and then turned to go to the room.


Changbin woke early in the morning to continue his search. The sun had just risen, air still crisp and morning dew still lingering on every surface as he led his horse through the streets.

The village wasn't nearly as crowded as it'd been the day before. Some vendors were just setting back up for the new day, and some farmers and knights were going about their duties, but it was mostly calm.

He passed an old man selling fruit, the butcher, an old craftsman, but one vendor did catch his eye more than the others. What looked to be an elderly couple were putting out some pastries and other sweets in front of the bakery.

Changbin's stomach growled at the thought. It was tempting. After all, he hadn't properly eaten since lunch the day before.

He slowly approached them, flashing a small smile and a wave as he got closer. "Hi...are you guys open yet?"

The woman looked up and smiled, kindly telling him what they had available for the day.

His eyes scanned what they had out; fritters, sweet and savoury pastries, cakes. He stopped at the cheesecake, Jisung's favorite, and sighed at the thought.

"I'll have that one.." He said, pointing to the cake slice.

The woman happily packaged it up for him, taking his payment, and he thanked her. He was going to just leave, but he lingered for a moment.

"Excuse me..." he said, getting her attention again. "Have you seen this man?" He asked. He thought there wouldn't be harm in asking since nobody else was around. What damage could this old lady do?

She looked at the paper he was holding, and then back at Changbin. Her gaze seemed a bit hesitant, but she did respond with a nod, "I've seen him, yeah..."

"Did you see where he went?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't pry, and responded again. "He bought some cake and left down that way," she said, pointing in the direction of one of the roads that led out of the village, further from Incheon.

Changbin was quite confused at that. Beyond Bucheon, there wasn't much; nothing Jisung would have any business with at least.

But the knight was struck with another sense of dread as he realised. Gimpo, Gimpo was in that direction.

It suddenly made sense. Jisung was going to try to find his mother.

He mumbled a "thank you" to the baker. He turned to continue down the road out of the village, filled with more dread than he'd been when he arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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