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"Minho, are you awake?"

Minho let out a sign of relief after he recognized the voice. It was just Jisung.

"I'm awake," he replied, voice hoarse and tired.

Minho used his arms to sit himself up, "are you okay, Ji?"

"Can't sleep..." Jisung mumbled, still sulking in the doorway.

It was a new place, and it was dark in the room. It was a lot different than sleeping under the stars, and surprisingly enough, he was less comfortable in that bedroom alone, than camping outside with Minho.

He realised that he'd never had to sleep alone outside of his own home, within the comfort of the castle, and he'd gotten used to Minho's company over the past two weeks. He found it difficult to sleep without that comfort.

"Can I- um...sleep with you?" Jisung asked. It wouldn't have been visible in the dark, but his cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.

Minho felt his chest tighten again, but it wasn't in a painful way this time. He smiled and patted the space on the bed beside him, "come here."

Jisung shuffled over to the bed, being careful to not trip over anything. The bed dipped as he got into the bed, laying beside the dragon.

They sat in silence for a moment before Minho spoke again. "Why can't you sleep? Is something bothering you?" He asked.

"No, just need company," Jisung said quietly. "What about you?"

"Nothing...I could use some company too." Minho said, which wasn't fully a lie.

They were both too tired to go deeper into what was on their minds, and the room went quiet once again.

Jisung felt better now that he wasn't alone, but it somehow wasn't enough. Something within him was telling him that he needed more. It wasn't cold in the house, so he knew it wasn't that this time. Maybe he just got used to keeping each other warm that it felt too weird without it.

Minho was laying with his back to him. He was quiet, and his breathing was shallow, so Jisung assumed that he had fallen asleep. His hand slowly traveled over to the other man's waist.

Oh. He wasn't wearing a shirt.

Jisung was going to pull his hand away. He didn't want to step too far and make him uncomfortable. But Minho was still awake, and scooting himself closer before he could move his hand away.

Neither of them could see it, but they both had smiled plastered on their faces as they got comfortable.

"G'night, Min," Jisung whispered as he tightened his grip, hugging him from behind.


Morning light crept into the room from the single window, casting a soft glow over the room. Minho lay on his back, Jisung still having an arm over his waist and his head resting by his shoulder.

Minho had been awake for a while, but hadn't moved. He didn't want to disturb the Prince, but he also just wanted the moment to last for a while longer. However, that wasn't possible.

Jisung eyes eventually fluttered open, and he yawned.

"Good morning," Minho said with a smile once he realised that he was awake.

"Morning," Jisung mumbled, still needing some time to wake up.

When the morning grogginess faded, Jisung's attention was drawn to Minho and the position they found themselves in. The blanket that covered them had slid down during the night, in a way that left Minho's upper torso exposed. Jisung couldn't help but stare, his gaze tracing the contours of his toned chest and stomach, and the patches of scales that adorned his skin.

He gently ran his fingers along his skin and they landed on some of the blue patches of scales. He traced them with his fingers, which made Minho shiver.

"That tickles," Minho said softly.

Jisung grinned, "yeah?"

He quickly jumped up, and positioned himself on top of Minho, straddling him.

Confusion was written all over Minho's face. "What are you- ah!"

He was cut off when Jisung placed his a hand on each side of his stomach, beginning to tickle him. A large, mischievous smile was on his face as the older man began to flail underneath him.

Minho laughed, being forced to do so by the hands on him. He was surprised, not expecting this kind of thing out of Jisung.

He managed to get his hands on Jisung's waist, trying to pull him off. When that didn't work, he placed his hands under his shirt so he could get him back.

The door creaked open as they both laughed. "What's so funny- oh..." Chan stood in the doorway, his eyes wide after taking in the sight of the two men on the bed.

Jisung and Minho froze when they heard Chan's voice, and their eyes met his.

"I- uh...am I interrupting something?"

Jisung's face turned all different shades of red when he realised what Chan was thinking. "I- no, it's not what it looks like!"

Minho chuckled, for real this time, also understanding what the Druid thought. "What exactly does it look like, Ji?" He teased.

Chan smirked, "whatever you say."

Jisung awkwardly shuffled to the side, getting off of the other man to further clear up any misunderstandings. "We were just messing around! I swear..."

Chan nodded. "Well, I came to tell you that breakfast is almost done. I'll leave you two to...whatever this is."

And with that, Chan left, leaving Jisung and Minho in the aftermath. They exchanged glances, and chuckled. Jisung was still a bit embarrassed, while Minho was simply amused by the situation.


Thanks to everyone that's been supporting this story so far, I really appreciate it!

I just want to update everyone and let y'all know that I'm going to delay updates a bit and publish a chapter every other Friday.

This is just temporary, for the summer, because I'm going to be very busy this year. I won't have as much time to work on this, and I'd like to stay on a schedule for updates, so I hope that's understandable 🙏🏾

Tysm! 💕

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