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Minho and Jisung had continued on their journey, and another day passed since the encounter with the mountain lion. The tension between them had weakened after they expressed some of their concerns, but Jisung was still adjusting to the revelation of Minho's identity.

The sun was beginning to set, giving the sky an orange tint. They had passed the most dense area of the forest, but they were still on the long unmarked trail. It would become more difficult and unsafe to travel as it got darker, so they'd need to stop again soon.

"Should we stop here?" Jisung asked as he rode alongside Minho.

Minho shook his head. "There's actually someone that I want to stop and see." He said. "She'll let us stay for the night."

"Oh, okay..." Jisung replied. However, Minho could tell by the tone in his voice that he was unsure about that idea.

"It'll be fine, Jisung. She's no threat to you, okay?" He tried to offer some reassurance.

Jisung sighed, he hadn't realised that his anxiousness was so obvious. "I'm more worried about you than me. What if she finds out and tips off some more dragon-slayers, or tries to kill you herself...or-"

"Jisung." Minho cut him off. "She already knows...it'll be fine." He said.

That sentiment gave Jisung some relief. "Okay...let's get going then...I'm hungry." He clicked his tongue and gave Bbama a nudge with his heel to speed up to a trot.

"You're always hungry." Minho said, doing the same to his horse to catch up with him.

They soon came across a large, flat clearing surrounded by the forest. In that clearing stood a small rustic wooden home. Further behind the house stood a barn, and a paddock with two cows, two pigs, and a horse.

As Jisung scanned the area, he also noticed a garden that seemed to house a variety of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Within the garden he could see an elderly woman crouching down, picking the ripe fruits and vegetables and collecting them in a basket.

Jisung jumped when he heard a dog barking, which alerting the woman to their presence. She looked concerned at first, but after a moment her face lit up.

She placed her basket down gently and began to walk towards them. "Minho?" She spoke, a smile plastered on her face.

Minho dismounted from his horse and the two shared a hug.

The woman pulled away, keeping her hands on his shoulders. "It's been too long! How have you been?"

"Well, it's been eventful." Minho said, chuckling.

She let go of him and turned to look at Jisung, who had also gotten off of his horse while they had their moment. She looked him up and down.

"You brought a boy," she smiled. "Is it him?"

Minho looked at Jisung and smiled as well. "Yeah, I found him."

The woman reached her hand out to Jisung, a wide smile still on her face. "I'm Hypatia."

He accepted the offer and shook her hand. "Jisung."

"He's a Prince, if you can believe it." Minho said.

"A Prince, huh? Of where?" Hypatia asked.

"Incheon." Jisung replied.

Hypatia's eyes widened for a moment, but she soon settled and nodded. "Well, why don't we catch up inside with some dinner and wine?"

Jisung's eyes lit up when she spoke of food. "Sounds good to me."

Hypatia went back to gather the ingredients that she needed, while Minho and Jisung were instructed to put their horses in the barn.

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